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Crizbibble t1_j1ka6no wrote

If the Alameda CEO, SBF and the CTO got together in a room and discussed doing what they ended up doing then you have an open and shut conspiracy to commit fraud. If there is a recording or video of it which I’m sure there was because they are all that stupid, then the noose gets even tighter. The FEDs obviously have enough information that they broke her and the CTO in under 2 months. SBF isn’t getting a deal, he will have the book and the building thrown at him and he is probably spending a significant amount of time in prison.


just_a_nice_dad t1_j1kmxu3 wrote

They don't have a video but they talked about the fraud in coded language electronically. I believe they called the account where they hid the loses the "Korean account" or something dumb like that.