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RnDanger t1_j141zmy wrote

This seems to me like they want to stir controversy out of nothing because Republicans will see their ads


Ground2ChairMissile t1_j146in8 wrote

For the UK version of PC Magazine? Hardly the target audience.

The reason they wrote the story (which isn't even in their coverage field) is that any and all news on electric vehicles does great in Google Discovery SEO.


boundbylife t1_j157uxa wrote

Okay, but then why the negative tone?

Here's a positive spin on the same headline: "USPS to Kickstart EV Inititave by Electrifying Delivery Fleet"


port1337user t1_j166jeo wrote

Because that's all people click on nowadays, we're very much a culture that prefers to be outraged. Where have you been the last decade? Do you even pay attention to news outside of reddit??


merien_nl t1_j14e6lo wrote

Makes sense. Since the article is not about PCs nor is it about the UK.


port1337user t1_j166bx5 wrote

Republicans definitely seek out PC news on UK websites, we got em now gang!