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sbos_ t1_ize49gu wrote

“No layoffs are planned”

That’s a red flag when they say that


Adrian_Alucard t1_izepgwv wrote

"Stadia is in good health we are not going to close the service"

Next day

"we are closing Stadia"


Significant_Sign t1_ize6am1 wrote

"We'll have the planning meeting after all the executives get back from their winter holidays in Fiji."

There are always layoff at the bigger companies, sometimes they delay them to manage how much bad press they get at any one time. That's all this is.


Prophet_Tehenhauin t1_izelcqv wrote

“No layoffs are planned. Now it is time for the scheduled unplanned layoffs”


yesmilady t1_izfwwkk wrote

Developers in Israel with a history in Waze? They'll be grabbed by another company before the day ends.