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rrrrrroadhouse t1_izdwsr7 wrote

This was always going to be the way it was going to happen, since the day AlphaBet bought Waze.

Integrate all the features of Waze into Google Maps and then kill off Waze.

Waze was the best. RIP.


amadeostein90 t1_izdxzui wrote

That’s corporate for shittier service


sbos_ t1_ize49gu wrote

“No layoffs are planned”

That’s a red flag when they say that


olearygreen t1_ize5bts wrote

I never understood why they were developed separately


Significant_Sign t1_ize6am1 wrote

"We'll have the planning meeting after all the executives get back from their winter holidays in Fiji."

There are always layoff at the bigger companies, sometimes they delay them to manage how much bad press they get at any one time. That's all this is.


baggachipz t1_ize9ln1 wrote

1 year from now: “Google kills Waze”.

2 years from now: “New Google Live Maps service launched which does live traffic and lets you tag cops!”

3 years from now: “Google kills Live Maps service”


Illustrious_Night126 t1_izeccu7 wrote

This one kind of makes sense. Im not sure why a company would own two competing maps apps?


rrrrrroadhouse t1_izeq3ie wrote

I wouldn't have as much problem with it if Google wasn't known for changing plans and directions multiple times at a moments notice and killing off features that they have implemented. So we may get all the features of Waze, and then they'll just be all gone another day.


SeaweedSorcerer t1_izerwj8 wrote

Cost cutting and no layoffs planned. Right. Totally believe that. What costs are being cut exactly? For teams where the software developers are probably 90% of the costs.


saywhat68 t1_izfp484 wrote

When I'm on the highway and I use Google Maps I do get that alert about a speed trap up ahead. I take it people don't need radar detectors anymore.


Maleficent_Fold_5099 t1_izftb62 wrote

Hopefully they will sort out the white road on slightly less white background.


Last-Caterpillar-112 t1_izgm6ge wrote

The destiny of Waze was to be Phazed out and Razed to the ground, on the day Google paid half a billion dollars for it. RIP. This recession is a convenient excuse for all corporations to clean house and finish off all pending unpopular moves. Because who’s going to complain against cost-cutting?


keyboard_A t1_izh8mp6 wrote

This is just one of the "revolutionary" features, it is basically a community data fed system, people can warn of road construction, road accidents, speed traps and also calculates traffic and ETA very accurately