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t1_j4si1ng wrote

>How is this good for consumers?

Console Warriors perspective:

"I am a normal person, I do not have enough expendable funds for a high end computer. So I buy a console, these exclusives allow for me to feel better than the rich people and I can feel better than most of them knowing my purchase has some worth that can't be made into nothing by a high end PC"

You really seem to not understand basic human pride


t1_j4t2ovy wrote

> "So I buy a console, these exclusives allow for me to feel better than the rich people and I can feel better than most of them knowing my purchase has some worth that can't be made into nothing by a high end PC"

The average person doesn't think like that at all. The fact you think they do suggests you need to get out of your momma's basement a bit more and go interact with people in the real world.