SoylentRox t1_j5hgi50 wrote
Part of it is that "we need adults to be able to write a coherent essay with 5 paragraphs and a main idea at the end of the first paragraph and..."
And maybe the real question is: do we? When?
Do adults need to be able to do long division?
I work at a tech company at a typical TC rate (many times the average income). Somehow this is not valued. Short, to the point emails - as short and terse as possible - with clear and succinct points are what counts. Simpler words. Building up my point with screenshots and visualizations.
The whole assumption here is we still need kids to learn a task that AI already knows how to do better than most of them will be able to do in their lifetime.
moonman1994 t1_j5hnqvg wrote
This is how we end up with kids that don’t understand how to critically think. Learning how ti put together a coherent essay is NOT just about learning to write a 5 paragraph essay with a beginning, middle and end. It’s about learning how to synthesize information and discuss it in a meaningful way. You write research papers to learn how to interpret data and scientific literature, you write persuasive essays to learn how to put together a good argument, etc. Reading and listening to lectures is well and good, but until you have to write about, teach or at least discuss the information yourself most people aren’t thinking very critically about it. Mostly, they’re just jotting down notes.
DanielPhermous t1_j5hsnj9 wrote
Sometimes the lesson is not what's being taught. Maths, for example, teaches you how to look at a problem, break it down and solve pieces at a time, step by step. Even if the maths is not useful, the process of thinking is.
wadejohn t1_j5hn4hm wrote
Can you communicate what you just said, but in 2 short bullet points?
SoylentRox t1_j5hntbp wrote
Most skills taught in school are wastes of time.
Skills that an AI can do well are likely wastes of time to teach.
wadejohn t1_j5hql59 wrote
Yet you felt the need to write more elaborately in the first instance. There was a reason for that.
-bickd- t1_j5jvdtb wrote
Chat GPT, write a witty but offensive counter-comment to wadejohn, using simple and succinct language.
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