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-Venser- t1_j5ybde0 wrote

> Trump used his platform to incite hate and violence

Except he didn't


Jshan91 t1_j5ybj3z wrote

Lol what shit show you’ve been watching for the last 8ish years then?


-Venser- t1_j5ybl3i wrote

Where exactly has he incited violence?


Jshan91 t1_j5ybsxy wrote

You’re the only one claiming he was punished for something he didn’t do. You have to provide the evidence. my evidence is well documented and you know it.


-Venser- t1_j5ycala wrote

You didn't provide any evidence either but I'm not invested into defending Trump of all people on reddit lmao. Have better things to do.


Jshan91 t1_j5yfm6o wrote

Oh you sure are spending some time trying to defend trump then lmao


NotSoMrNiceGuy t1_j5ykaq8 wrote

You haven’t provide any sources.. OP commenter has


Jshan91 t1_j5ykk3r wrote

No he hasn’t and I shouldn’t have to dig up common knowledge for you I’m not your Google bitch


NotSoMrNiceGuy t1_j5yzlx8 wrote

Per this logic, your point is as invalid as mine until you provide sources.



NotSoMrNiceGuy t1_j5yk8ph wrote

lmao Redditors love to playing the “do your own research” card. They fail to acknowledge the point of debate is compare sources of information


NotSoMrNiceGuy t1_j5yk4n5 wrote

lmao, did you really just play the “I have evidence, I just won’t share it card”

Reddit argument etiquette 101. Good luck having anybody take you seriously


Jshan91 t1_j5ykfj6 wrote

Dude are you telling me you’re clueless as to why trump got banned. As if Twitter and every single platform didn’t give a well documented reason when they did? I shouldn’t have to dig up the sources for you it’s common knowledge. This guy is making a claim with literally zero proof besides whataboutism