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Shavethatmonkey t1_j5ywk01 wrote

Hitler got to speak all the hate he wanted. How did that one turn out?

What is the difference you see between the hate Hitler espoused and the hate from Trump?


Suspicious-Yogurt-95 t1_j5zanuy wrote

You know, I thought exactly the same when I wrote it. It's totally valid argument. But the world today look at the right wing as lunatics, for what I can see. I don't know if it's like this in US but here in Brazil, most people see the supporters of Bolsonaro as crazy people, and they look exactly like that. And we can avoid dealing with them because we know they're like this. My point is: if you know the owner of that nice store is a white supremacist, racist, that kind of shit, would you make business with him? I would look somewhere else. I think most people would do that. They would be naturally silenced. Today we have information traveling faster. Maybe if we had this technology back then Hitler would have become just another crazy dude everyone ignore. It's a big maybe. I think I just believe most people are still sane.


Lumiafan t1_j5zi551 wrote

The problem is that social media platforms are designed to suck you into echo chambers, and if you hear something enough and from enough likeminded people, it becomes truth to you. That's why it's dangerous.


Suspicious-Yogurt-95 t1_j5zxknc wrote

That's exactly why I don't like most social media. People lose their connection to the real world. But the way I see, shutting people doesn't make their stupid ideas go away. We need better information and education to solve this problem. Shutting them up gives them another narrative of oppression. It works in the short term though.