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Internet_P3rsona t1_j62zgax wrote

reddit seems to be overwhelmingly pro left


prickles_and_goo t1_j63wo9p wrote

not sure how you're able to mentally sum up my desire for an actual society governed by actual adults using actual laws as a simple cardinal direction, but I'm guessing it's because you receive most of your thoughts instead of generating them yourself.


HeyaShinyObject t1_j6af8wu wrote

The majority of the US is left-leaning (by US left/right definitions). Republicans win because they are better at getting their base out to vote and they are better at creating an advantage in the electoral college. Take a look at the popular vote numbers.


RudegarWithFunnyHat t1_j65rm06 wrote

Reddit is around 50% people from usa, liberals are fiscal right wing folk out here in the rest of the world, and trump is a low energy Bond villain SAD