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BrainJar t1_j69kb0a wrote

Thanks to Devin’s actions, the entire company has a new set of annual training that they have to go through, specific to this corrupt asshole. On top of that, they have quarterly acknowledgement of ethics training that they have conduct with their teams. And no, there’s no “culture” lingering related to Devin. Four years is a long time in company timeframes.

I worked there for ten years and I don’t think some affiliate that is only loosely connected with eBay takes its lead from eBay on unions. Prior to eBay, I was a shop steward in our Union, and I’m always looking out for that bias. I didn’t hear anything like that at eBay. So, no, it’s conjecture and contrived to sensationalize their name recognition in the story.


drawkbox t1_j69l2rk wrote

Well if it is better now that is good. eBay always has a little bit of sketch going on, not necessarily the company but some of the market but that is the nature of things, that is why newsletters and ratings and external curation is good where needed. However, companies even ones with ethics training will still have pockets of bad people, just like here. It is usually never the whole thing or most people, always a cabal.