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CCHTweaked t1_j64acqg wrote

>Intel's first foray


this isn't their first Rodeo with an attempt at discrete graphics.


i740 AGP says hello.


theoriginalceb t1_j66p7wx wrote

I had one of those in the computer I bought for post secondary school before in 1997 or 98. The card didn't even support basic display properly. Had to use my roommates comp as a guide when I had to reinstall windows 95 so I could figure out the keyboard presses to install it blind. Sad thing was it was paired with dual voodoo 2 (3dfx monster2 12MB) I got seriously ripped off - ended up getting a matrox G200 as a replacement after that.


CCHTweaked t1_j66qywk wrote

That Matrox was a good card! OG 2D windows acceralation.