Bierbart12 t1_j687ovr wrote
It's pretty easy to threaten website owners into deleting absolutely all the data they have on you if you live in the EU
Theblackroze t1_j68ebte wrote
Wish we had that same energy in the USA . Anything for money.
SniperSid t1_j68q075 wrote
If you really want scaring delete your Facebook account then go back a year later and open another one with the same email address. It's like you'd never left. What is even more disconcerting is it isn't just like it was paused 12 months ago and you've just hit the play button again, there will be stuff in there after your account closure date that's relevant to stuff you did off Facebook over the following 12 months.
It's like Hotel California, you can enter but you can never leave.
SniperSid t1_j68q34p wrote
Except you have no proof they've done so and you can be sure it'll still be there on archived backups.
NofksgivnabtLIFE t1_j68t04p wrote
Again and again or stolen and sold.
contactlite t1_j6927gv wrote
You’re still being tracked.
Sardil t1_j69gpin wrote
Facebook has data halls around the world to store everything tied to your profile. Even with a new account, the personal information, friends and relatives, devices, geotags,… there’s so many variables that can connect you to the old account so they can continue to store information on you.
CoffeeSafteyTraining t1_j69i6xn wrote
Or in the case of Myspace's photos, it's all lost.
V4uban t1_j69mqj0 wrote
Ghost profiles have been around in Facebook since a long time
[deleted] t1_j69t5cc wrote
nicuramar t1_j69tv3q wrote
Well you have no proof that I “can be sure” that they didn’t, either.
Wh00ster t1_j69yqxy wrote
This is illegal
Wh00ster t1_j69ytn0 wrote
Deleting or deactivating?
WornInShoes t1_j6a47oc wrote
We need to pass a “right to be forgotten” law like the EU did
wrath_of_grunge t1_j6a9nrc wrote
i'm sure they'll pay their fines out of the billions of dollars they made.
ticklemesatan t1_j6afmz7 wrote
California has a law modeled after the EU one
[deleted] t1_j6ai2rn wrote
[deleted] t1_j6amr8j wrote
They will try and sell it
ChalupaCabre t1_j6asc6c wrote
I try to go through and delete all content I can from that platform.. also change personal information to fake data... then I "delete" my account. Did that with Facebook.
Ill_Following_7022 t1_j6bh9tk wrote
It lives on as a record in a database or files on a server. They may be marked as not active or deleted but they still exist.
hibearmate t1_j6bw3d4 wrote
They just keep tracking your device IDs and website cookies associated with your previous account
FB tracks EVERYONE, regardless if your ever had an account
>… even people that don’t use Facebook for a wide range of reasons might end up having their activities tracked by the platform whenever they visit a site that incorporates its engagement buttons. Even sites that are relatively privacy sensitive tend to give Facebook a large amount of user data
>Facebook can track non-users on around 44% of the websites that they tend to visit
Notyourfathersgeek t1_j6c3w87 wrote
Anything for money for the shareholders
CheapMonkey34 t1_j6c9fb7 wrote
The ‘right to be forgotten’ applies to the processing of data, not the archiving. Companies don’t have to destroy backup tapes to meet the law, just that they don’t process the data in the future anymore.
erosram t1_j6ejlzv wrote
Maybe, but they’ll also put themselves at risk of breaking the law and whatever repercussions come from that.
mjr4189 t1_j685qw9 wrote
It’s stored and sold.