Submitted by tinylobsta t3_10q539i in technology
Just-a-Mandrew t1_j6ocaef wrote
I had this fantasy that big blockbuster movies would have certain generative elements. The essential story parts would be the same but background elements or details could be generative or programmatically targeted to specific audiences. Imagine watching Avatar 3 and each time the forest looks different or different animals are seen. That’s a bad example but you get the point.
Sir-Mocks-A-Lot t1_j6odvlp wrote
I was thinking that AI could make video game development a lot easier by generating objects and environments.
Midnight_Rising t1_j6ohf1o wrote
A really well-trained AI can essentially be a dungeon master, coming up with brand new stories or rewriting parts of the plot to match what your character does.
Procedurally generated environments in games is something we have now.
DBDude t1_j6p28xi wrote
>Procedurally generated environments in games is something we have now.
It's something we had in 1984. Seriously, Rescue on Fractalus! gets its name because they used fractal math to generate the landscape on the fly.
Sir-Mocks-A-Lot t1_j6ojp5t wrote
Procedurally generated content usually relies on premade content - walls, boxes, floors, buildings that were created by humans. What I'm saying is that AI could make those. And character models, weapon models, etc etc etc. This would free up human time for designing the actual levels and story, fine tuning gameplay, etc.
DBDude t1_j6p2hag wrote
Borderlands 2 procedurally generates guns based on just some standard elements. There are almost 18 million different variations.
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