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non-member t1_j6fbxu3 wrote

That’s funny… we order PCs with top of the line CPUs and GPUs for work all the time, and they’re ALL shipped directly from China.

Pretty hard to “ban” China from getting and using stuff when companies actively work with Chinese companies to build and ship that stuff to customers around the world.


Zebra03 t1_j6g37az wrote

They are using capitalism against capitalist countries, there's nothing that can be done about it unless they are willing to lose out on cheap labour and products


KanadainKanada t1_j6gw2j0 wrote

A capitalist will sell you the rope he will be hanged with.


Zebra03 t1_j6h72ks wrote

This is one of the best quotes I have seen


GBreezy t1_j6gyqod wrote

They are getting i9s. You're acting like they are getting the launch codes. This is a clickbait story.


GetOutOfTheWhey t1_j6ibp05 wrote

It may be a clickbait story but somewhere there's an angry republican congressmen


[deleted] t1_j6h2acu wrote

Literally the US blocked them from key technology, why lie?


doncastiglionejr t1_j6gz0sg wrote

False. You know full well China makes companies share their tech to use to their advantage this is the cut off to stealing everything at will while screwing you on other things to their benefit. Nobody told China they had to play ball in the first place


[deleted] t1_j6h294c wrote

It is actually easy to ban.


Fallcious t1_j6lp9se wrote

By which you mean it is easy to legislate a ban and quite another thing to enforce a ban?