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Spartanfred104 t1_j5w24ce wrote

Tell me you have something to hide without telling me you have something to hide.


InternalPresent t1_j5w2pwm wrote

This is so obviously wrong, and all world leaders do it. If someone in power prevents you from talking about them, especially in an examining or critical way, they’re likely frauds trying very hard to control messaging. Some might say ‘duh’, but a good number of my countrymen believe their politicians are being truthful with them.

I hope the people begin seeing these obvious signs of dishonesty and start adjusting accordingly, the world over.


iwatchppldie t1_j5wcls4 wrote

I seriously wouldn’t have even heard of it if it wasn’t for the ban but instead I watched it.


Hyperion1144 t1_j5x1o8f wrote

This Modi doc has blown up way bigger than it should have.

Somebody needs give the Indian PM a documentary on the Streisand Effect... Because so far his response has been so over the top he's making Ol' Babs seem like a social media genius.


a-blue-phoenix t1_j5x9uir wrote

the second episode is probably even more damaging to his reputation, noting that he’s tried to get india to forget about the large scale dissenting movement and state-sanctioned riots which took place in 2019, only to be cut short by the pandemic. and now everyone can relive that brutality and remember who he is and what he does


_ohne_dich_ t1_j5xd90h wrote

I’m sure there are many others like me who didn’t care about this doc but now are very interested in watching it.


WonderFluffen t1_j5xup78 wrote

I've been trying to watch this. Does anybody have a non-dodgy link? In the US, btw.


werdmouf t1_j5y8cjp wrote

That's insane. Modi sounds like a dictator.


cr0ft t1_j5y98q4 wrote

Guessing Modi has never heard of the Streisand effect. If he wants to block it this badly, it has to be pretty damning.


InterestingAsk1978 t1_j5ynnvt wrote

Looks like India is going the dictatorial way like its red neighbour.


runey t1_j5ytzne wrote

download from the internet and project and blast it loud


WintryInsight t1_j5yzpg0 wrote

Just wanna say that the farmer's strike was instigated by the large mandi owners who wanted to keep a monopoly over the individual farmers' produce. Other than that, the criticism of modi here is perfectly valid.


iwatchppldie t1_j5z1geh wrote

It basically ties modi to a mass riots in 2002 and the bjp party. The strange part is it wasn’t that hard on modi and seemed to from my point of view downplay his involvement in it. Half of it was interviews with people who where involved that was the interesting part tbh. As far as the politics it really pined it more on bad blood over the conflict over between Muslims and Hindus more then modi him self.

This is my take on it with little knowledge of Indian politics.


AVLPedalPunk t1_j5z1t6s wrote

I grew up near Beaufort, SC and when she was there filming Prince of Tides on Fripp Island, she famously attempted to contact the MCAS there about the noise from practice maneuvers.
Anecdotally the air station found out her location and made sure that they always flew over her rented house.


WintryInsight t1_j5z1urq wrote

They have no internet, barely working electricity, and most don't have smartphones. The farmers have to either deal with 5 middleman in a process to sell the product, or sell it to the mandi, which is controlled by a large farmer who has very high commission rates.

The government tried to standardize prices, which was higher than what the farmers got from mandis and sold to the government directly, at which the mandi owners got furious over.


WintryInsight t1_j5z2dfp wrote

This doesn't really make sense to me. If it was just the usual hindi Muslim stuff, then why would the modi government want this banned. It doesn't him directly. And, is modi even the one who approves or initiates the bans? Stuff like this surfaces a few times a year on international forums and has every outraged, but I can never really get the reason for it.

I think I'll go and try see the documentary myself.


WintryInsight t1_j5z3cwu wrote

Nothing. The government passed the bill, but had to repeal it a year later. The farmers remained poor, and the rich farmers retained their monopoly. Let's be honest, those people are only farmers in name as they don't even manage their farms. The whole reason they're farmers is to get tax cuts as farmers aren't taxed. The mandi owners won in the end.

In short, the farmers are misinformed and think the government has got it out for them and that those rich mandi owners are the only ones protecting them.


BehindThyCamel t1_j5zaayx wrote

I saw the title and I just LOL'd. I mean, it doesn't get more hilarious that this.


PCP_Panda t1_j5zdof5 wrote

I don’t know much about India political discourse but I was shocked after their election cycle how many died from Covid and the funeral pyres the followed shook me to the core.


a-blue-phoenix t1_j5zfhk0 wrote

Makes sense, but the problem was the method of implementation - you do not make drastic changes like these in a democracy without consulting farmers and taking into considerations all its impacts, which the framing of the amendments showed were several.


WintryInsight t1_j5zhgm6 wrote

What's sad is that there was a large survey done with the farmers across India on whether they wanted better prices and security against big farmers. A majority wanted these things and that's how the bill started. The large farmers who owned the mandis to which the small farmers sold all their stuff to just gaslighted the farmers into rioting.


gnudarve t1_j5zlktc wrote

Now I will definitely watch it, didn't even know about it before India went all Streisand bonkers about it.


achinwin t1_j5zr82y wrote

Can someone give me a non-politicized summary of what is in this film?


South-Water497 t1_j5zs7yg wrote

Wow this is active censorship for the benefit of a politician. Gross


darw1nf1sh t1_j6040us wrote

Killing businesses, and putting lives in danger, so their PM doesn't look bad and to censor information to the public. India... wtf happened to you?


Far_Camera9785 t1_j65u8n5 wrote

I’m literally clarifying a legal point and you’re calling me Muslim (which I’m not). You guys have like ONE argument bro. When you can’t counter factual arguments, just call them Muslim and feel smug. Lol.


jbman42 t1_j67w0gq wrote

Time and time again this happens and people simply don't understand that banning will only make something more attractive and create more radicals. People are naturally empathetic, so of fucking course they will side with the side being oppressed.


Lazyass123456 t1_j68xae5 wrote

Happy to argue point by point on this on a more appropriate forum. Btw speaking of law , what does the supreme court have to say on this . If this was not just random political agenda you would understand. Worse is you would pollute all political forums with this nonsense