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BestCatEva t1_j5traqp wrote

I’ve tried podcasts at least 10 times — I just can’t pay attention to them. My mind drifts and it becomes background noise. I’m an avid reader and prefer reading to videos or podcasts.


Ruthrfurd-the-stoned t1_j5tvdr8 wrote

That’s why I like them for driving I only really half pay attention to what they’re saying but it keeps my mind occupied enough that I can focus on the road


BestCatEva t1_j5tvqkb wrote

I tried this too — missed my exit! But oddly, not with talk radio (like NPR). I can’t figure out what the issue is!


lovemywifebutwow t1_j5whw10 wrote

I actually started with NPRs podcast Up First(~10 minutes) and NYT the Daily(~25) and have built a decent variety of short morning news podcasts.


tundey_1 t1_j5uz3hp wrote

I find that podcasts are like baseball: best listened to WHILE doing other things. If I'm taking a mid-day walk around the neighborhood or I'm doing yardwork or maintenance around the house, a podcast is the perfect companion.


GravyDangerfield23 t1_j5zblmr wrote

That's what they're best for though: background noise. I put them on when on public transportation or driving, going for a walk, doing the dishes, cleaning, sitting in a waiting room, etc.