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teddytwelvetoes t1_j5thfgz wrote

show me another tech company that gets this sort of shit said about them after they finally get around to fixing an old security bug lol


LocoCoyote t1_j5tkkm2 wrote

Can’t make some folks happy


teddytwelvetoes t1_j5tlxp8 wrote

what do you mean? fixing security bugs is great, acting like Apple is the only company who does so is the (jerk-off miming) part


LocoCoyote t1_j5tm6pa wrote

You missed the point entirely. The point is they provided a security update for a ten year old device. Who else does that?


teddytwelvetoes t1_j5tnr78 wrote

...Microsoft provided security updates for Windows 7 devices for a decade and a half lmao
