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LocoCoyote t1_j5sxg1y wrote

Good for them. Show me another company that would do that…


contributes_n0thing t1_j5t5d05 wrote

The updates were the reason I got my inexpensive XR that just updated to 16.3 10 minutes ago.


133DK t1_j5t8msb wrote

Don’t think many other companies are interested in making security updates for the iPhone 5s ^^/s

Joking aside, most android phones get, what.. 3 years of post launch software updates, maybe a couple years on top of that for security updates. It’s very wasteful by comparison


ShinyHappyAardvark t1_j5toydc wrote

As a 5s and 6s user, I’m pretty happy to hear this. These were the last Apple phones with a headphone jack, and I will use them until one of us dies.


goldfaux t1_j5ulxaw wrote

I'm guessing it's bad enough and they have proof that it's causing serious issues, which is why they did it.


Carbidereaper t1_j5wylci wrote

The problem is fucking Qualcomm they make some of the best mobile ARM processors but they rarely support their chipsets for more than 3 years if the device maker can’t get a CPU driver for the chipset than you aren’t getting updates period