Submitted by biendi t3_10p6936 in technology
TorrenceMightingale t1_j6ih6ow wrote
There’s no privacy in this world anymore. I’m moving to into one of those riverside paddle wheel houses and starting a woodland homestead first chance I get.
DinobotsGacha t1_j6iyvlx wrote
Youll probably see ads for them now because of your comment
pentatonicscales t1_j6kwat8 wrote
Imagine the nightmare of ordering that from Ikea and putting it together.
[deleted] t1_j6m9m49 wrote
guava_eternal t1_j6ivzvw wrote
Start a casino
[deleted] t1_j6ix0f8 wrote
Im_in_timeout t1_j6jntzk wrote
We'll all be watching you.
TorrenceMightingale t1_j6jo4gx wrote
Username checks out.
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