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OccasinalMovieGuy t1_j4u6hfc wrote

Is there really an point to write an essay?


TheSnozzwangler t1_j4uptbc wrote

Yes. It helps you to consolidate and articulate your thoughts in a structured, intelligible way. Writing an essay also allows you to utilize more complex grammatical structures than are usually used in day to day language use, so it can also help develop your grammatical competency in a language.


spespy t1_j5a6ius wrote

Fuck that we’s gottings art


man-vs-spider t1_j4umcve wrote

One purpose is to gauge how well a student understands a topic. In a history class you could ask a question such as: How did the conditions in Europe contribute to the rise of racism ?

That would be useful essay to have students write. Also one that could probably be easily done in chatGPT or similar