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t1_j9gefu0 wrote

I believe Armstrong has said he has a 5 season arc planned for the show, and there’s no way HBO would deny him that given it’s success thus far.


t1_j9hgc8b wrote

I wonder if Jeremy’s character dies in Season 5 and then we see Greg replace him?


t1_j9hju0i wrote

Well as the saying goes, you can’t make a Tomlette without cracking a few Gregs.


t1_j9hzq1q wrote

I want Greg and Tom to run away together and get married and have babies.


t1_j9hzxc6 wrote

They’re the only couple I care about!


t1_j9i0q13 wrote

I do enjoy the eldest brother and the hooker but that is just because it is so entirely cringey.

Tom and Greg are so pure. :)


t1_j9hz8d7 wrote

Ideal final season: >!Tom & Greg vs. the Roy family!<


t1_j9jygeh wrote

Yeah I know people like to say the show won't work without >!Brian Cox!< but I entirely disagree. >!I think we need a full season post-Logan that fully examines the inevitable chaos that will follow!<.