Submitted by aktivate74 t3_111svet in television
Salty_Pancakes t1_j8gvb4t wrote
Even when he was fighting the Italian mafia he was in bed with the Russian mob.
planetjeff86 t1_j8gvm0s wrote
Or you can just watch John Oliver
stanthemanchan t1_j8gwoqm wrote
His dark side is dripping down his face.
-boozypanda t1_j8gz3gn wrote
Are they gonna show how he married his cousin?
adsfew t1_j8h06f5 wrote
It's 2023--that dark side doesn't need to be revealed anymore.
DogmaticLaw t1_j8h20ku wrote
Maybe they will talk about how he announced his separation from his second wife to the media before announcing it to her?
[deleted] t1_j8h22t0 wrote
ithinkther41am t1_j8h3ntg wrote
real_nice_guy t1_j8h6zt8 wrote
I thought this was just a joke comment but boy was I wrong
ltmkji t1_j8hdtsj wrote
he's been a scumbag all along. it's unfortunate to say, but 9/11 was the best thing that ever happened to his reputation. too bad he couldn't just fuck off and retire after that.
LiterallyOuttoLunch t1_j8he7pf wrote
I’m just glad Andrew Giuliani is a stooge, and there’s no worry of a Giuliani Dynasty in the future.
magick_68 t1_j8hh1fh wrote
Next on, the surprisingly dark side of the beloved guy called Adolf Hitler.
vroart t1_j8hlf88 wrote
As someone who lived in the tri state area.... that dark side was always there. Look up “Giuliani time.”
37Schmeckles t1_j8hmgcy wrote
What makes you think being an obsequious little stooge doesnt stand him in perfect stead to continue his fathers work?
Artistic-Time-3034 t1_j8hmy6z wrote
He really made New York a safer place crime wise, look at the crime before,during and after.
JQuilty t1_j8hnrxa wrote
What are you talking about, Shelbyville?
Birdflv t1_j8ho089 wrote
Is he wearing mascara?
VeterinarianThese951 t1_j8hofk4 wrote
Right?! I used to say that all the time. Always a douche and it boggles my mind how people decided to not know until his recent buffoonery. 911 was his meal ticket. He literally didn’t have to do shit. Forest Gump coulda mayored himself out of that disaster because there was nowhere to go but up.
Boondogle17 t1_j8hp4rh wrote
Haha I remember when I told some of my republican family about Giuliani marrying his cousin and none of them knew lol. Most uninformed people. It also did not surprise me that it didn't bother them that much lol.
obiwankernobee t1_j8hq21z wrote
Whoa is that James Woods?
[deleted] t1_j8hqfdt wrote
BJaysRock t1_j8hqntp wrote
What a pathetic person eh?
Darklighter10 t1_j8hrhv5 wrote
Would be more interesting if they revealed he had a bright side.
rabobar t1_j8hrul0 wrote
He helped install the Russian Mafia in NYC, was a shit mayor, botched 9-11 help, and has generally been a scumbag
rabobar t1_j8hrz0p wrote
Dinkins should get the credit, as well as the national decline of crack consumption, and the general dotcom wave of prosperity
rabobar t1_j8hs1ty wrote
He lacks his father's charm and good looks
MulciberTenebras t1_j8ht0in wrote
DogVacuum t1_j8ht6yt wrote
But he does have his gigantic teeth. That man knows how to start an apple.
DogVacuum t1_j8htg02 wrote
You know, with Rudy, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him
nalgene_wilder t1_j8htjtg wrote
Guiliani is directly responsible for tons of first responder deaths on 9/11 but ok
HugeEmu69 t1_j8htnmp wrote
He didn’t know fat free yogurt had fat in it
rabobar t1_j8htypp wrote
So do horses, but they generally have little political success
reebee7 t1_j8huizn wrote
Maybe it's HIS truth though.
blumpkinmania t1_j8hvguu wrote
Is that his cousin wife or the wife he left to bang the cousin?
SeamanTheSailor t1_j8hvmk6 wrote
I like Biden, I had my doubts but he’s proven to be much better than I expected. That said it’s wild to see him so animated and quick, as great as Dark Brandon is, he’s fucking old. We need better guys.
kidneycat t1_j8hvn9l wrote
I want to watch this. How, where is it streaming?
Jaysyn4Reddit t1_j8hwdps wrote
They are calling him "mayor", because they can't call him a lawyer anymore.
EDIT: ooh, must be a buncha salty fascist symps up in here!
parabostonian t1_j8hwgjn wrote
I remember Jon Stewart analyzing a Giuliani speech that was like 4 minutes long where he said 9/11 like 40 something times. And IIRC it was a college graduation several years later, lol.
alexanderhope t1_j8hwwqo wrote
He has a light side?
elemenno50 t1_j8hx5g9 wrote
Anytime I see a pic of his kid I’m always reminded of Chris Farley.
iiThinkItsIn t1_j8hxb46 wrote
Damn my boy Biden annihilated him
Apprehensive_Ad_4359 t1_j8hy2tf wrote
Four Seasons Landscaping
S3simulation t1_j8hy4k6 wrote
Now THAT’s a container for holding liquid!
parkinthepark t1_j8hy51s wrote
invent_or_die t1_j8hyeel wrote
Old is not really a factor, you saw him in action. I've seen 40 year olds that were far less mentally competent.
TheGardenBlinked t1_j8hyp08 wrote
“There’s the TRUTH,”
shakes head with a frown
“…and the TRUTH!”
nods head with a big smile
- Lionel Hutz
[deleted] t1_j8hyq8m wrote
NeuroPalooza t1_j8i17fs wrote
I like the French
fahkoffkunt t1_j8i1ius wrote
I didn’t realize that quote came from him!
contactlite t1_j8i2s6b wrote
He wants the stones.
[deleted] t1_j8i2tbe wrote
RohypnolPickupArtist t1_j8i420j wrote
You're getting down voted because he supported Trump so he's relegated to only character assassination by the media. As a native New Yorker, he made this city amazing to live in, it's quickly going back to shithole days of the 70's /80's
DeckardsDark t1_j8i4992 wrote
Rudy was considered good looking?
LollipopsandGumdropz t1_j8i4kod wrote
Should have used the Chinese Motor Oil.
zxvasd t1_j8i4v5f wrote
There’s no dark side. He’s all dark.
mrbisonopolis t1_j8i541c wrote
Yeah. Let’s also not forgot the the 1992 police riot he helped push.
He’s been a scumbag forever. The only thing that made him look good was 9-11 and even that he bungled for the most part.
mrbisonopolis t1_j8i57ym wrote
Yeah bro. Remember that time he led a police riot in 92? What a good dude.
Robert_Pawney_Junior t1_j8i59af wrote
Matter of perspective, he calls it his 'chocolate side'.
TheAmbiguity t1_j8i5ak3 wrote
Airs on MSNBC, later streams on Peacock
Mr5h4d0w t1_j8i64t4 wrote
Now THERE’S a man who knows his meatballs.
[deleted] t1_j8i6qeo wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i7304 wrote
rippa76 t1_j8i78xt wrote
He was the hero of 9/11, because he was mayor when it happened. — George St Geegland and Gil Faizon
xraygun2014 t1_j8i7b0j wrote
> I've seen 40 year olds that were far less mentally competent.
Leave DeSantis out of this.
Loud-Ad-2280 t1_j8i7ftm wrote
Is his dark side when he married his cousin? Or when he attempted to overthrow democracy?
ballrus_walsack t1_j8i7kw9 wrote
He ran to be the president of 9/11
ballrus_walsack t1_j8i7uq8 wrote
Probably from his speechwriters but Biden nailed it.
InfernalRodent t1_j8i81d4 wrote
It was rather convenient how he got all the dirt on the Italian mob from "anonymous" sources and when they fell the Russian mob swooped right in to fill the void......
adrift98 t1_j8i89uz wrote
Nice revisionist history you got going there bro.
adrift98 t1_j8i8b14 wrote
No he isn't.
[deleted] t1_j8i8ejz wrote
snelljosh t1_j8i8pv7 wrote
Savings-Fix938 t1_j8i9m3a wrote
It really does suck that anyone who lived in NYC before and after him knows just how good a mayor he was for the city. I’m not gonna shill for a politician that I don’t know but this whole series screams “cope” to me.
MajCassiusStarbuckle t1_j8i9orh wrote
Telling the truth about an incompetent treason weasel isn't character assassination.
iusedtohavepowers t1_j8i9pfs wrote
Reveals? That shit is well known at this point.
mortalcoil1 t1_j8i9u98 wrote
If you have ever personally known an alcoholic, they all have a terrible dark side.
mewthulhu t1_j8ia77d wrote
Did you know.
Jafar has a dark side.
BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_j8iak0c wrote
Yup, totally true! He is a cousin fucker for sure.
Xalbana t1_j8iaoq0 wrote
No. The problem is that he's ok. But we need someone younger and better.
[deleted] t1_j8iat7n wrote
robodrew t1_j8iax67 wrote
Did you not see him at the State of the Union? He was animated and quick there too. He completely cornered the GOP when it came to Medicare/SocSec and forced them to do a "we don't actually want to cut entitlements" tour for the last week.
AlexMelillo t1_j8ib19f wrote
My dad travelled to NYC for work often. 3-4 times a year for over 20 years. He talks about Giuliani reviving New York and how he saw it getting noticeably better when he was the mayor.
Kinda sad the dude was a crook all along. Or so it seems
robodrew t1_j8ib372 wrote
Yes James Woods is a gigantic turd.
mickeyflinn t1_j8ib64f wrote
Holy hell that was hilarious and insane.
> .. it would be awkward for Trump because she is in his family and awkward for Giuliani as she isn't in his.
mrbisonopolis t1_j8ib6lh wrote
I live here. It’s not.
GreatJobKeepitUp t1_j8ibzlq wrote
No worries, it's his second cousin 🤣
Chan_Dabeep t1_j8iccso wrote
Good, I hope he gets his ass dragged for the rest of his days. The election nonsense was as ridiculous of a clown show as I’ve ever seen. Just public masturbation in front of a court room.
invent_or_die t1_j8icyvh wrote
Chan_Dabeep t1_j8idfy9 wrote
Giuliani and Trump both didn’t see Biden coming. Biden got Rudy laughed off the stage back in the day. When Biden told Trump to shut up I think a lot of folks wanted to hear that. In both cases they underestimated Biden. Too high on their own supply.
Lord_Dimwit_Flathead t1_j8iduoa wrote
Chocolate rainnnnn
[deleted] t1_j8idv11 wrote
docter_actual t1_j8ie2b1 wrote
Dude looks like a mobster boss himself. No way anyone believes he actually does anything to combat organized crime without being in bed with another organized crime group
frankenpoopies t1_j8ie4q9 wrote
Like when he bulldozed the squatters?
guiltyas-sin t1_j8iev4r wrote
Nice conundrum. 🤣
Fx08 t1_j8ifkhi wrote
This implies he has a bright side.
[deleted] t1_j8ifmgw wrote
rabobar t1_j8ifvp1 wrote
He literally had the disaster command center built in the same building complex that was bombed in the 90s
DogOutrageous t1_j8ig0tk wrote
Good looks??
[deleted] t1_j8ig23u wrote
ncfears t1_j8igs8x wrote
Hoot! Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!
DonRicardo1958 t1_j8ihaac wrote
L O L at that comb over
badwhiskey63 t1_j8ilbk9 wrote
That’s the greatest take down in modern politics. Close second is “I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine, You’re no Jack Kennedy.”
KonaKathie t1_j8ilooa wrote
His little son on the lower right was fricking hilarious during this speech. Mocking Giuliani, making faces, and just being a total brat
GiorgiaMussolini t1_j8imj48 wrote
He isnt and you are an idiot
Rudeboy67 t1_j8io2nb wrote
The best was his Duke Golf team saga. When frat boy Dukie golf bros think you’re too entitled and an asshole it’s time to start reconsidering your life choices.
And then he sued them saying they had to put him on the Varsity team. And they had to let him play the Duke golf course for free for the rest of his life. He lost, of course.
charliem122 t1_j8ioxpg wrote
Mfkr look like a villain from Gotham
LiterallyOuttoLunch t1_j8ip2l1 wrote
His sole job while working in the Trump administration? Be on call to play golf with President Trump.
seansy5000 t1_j8ipcom wrote
Reveals? This dude has been out and open about his corruption with zero consequences for decades.
I’d like a docuseries that “reveals” why these people never get in trouble or pay consequences for their traitorous acts towards our country.
-Clayburn t1_j8irg6f wrote
Remember that time he dressed in drag and Donald Trump motorboated him?
zorbathegrate t1_j8isafz wrote
Onetime his dark side literally dropped down his face at a press conference.
Also, Giuliani was saved by 9/11
Anon_Alcoholic t1_j8itaqt wrote
While I wouldn't say he's terrible, blocking the railroad workers from striking is pretty fucking terrible
LayneCobain95 t1_j8iue6x wrote
This guy went from “America’s favorite mayor” or governor or whatever the hell he was. To THIS. Guy ruined his legacy with Trump
Bongerson t1_j8iuqgr wrote
Remember when he was 100% about to bang a teenager implied to be human trafficked on camera until Sacha Baron Cohen cut the bit short?
keksmuzh t1_j8iv6be wrote
It’s not an uncommon phenomenon in politics. One big event or personal story point somehow overshadows every horribly thing in their history.
John McCain coasted on nepotism and his POW status despite some nasty shit in his personal life and flight conduct that would’ve gotten any normal pilot grounded.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan let Bush Jr skate by numerous administrative problems at the time, and after the propaganda surrounding the wars fell apart he’d already won re-election.
garry4321 t1_j8iw1h6 wrote
I always wonder what the young version of themselves would think if you showed them what they eventually become. Like would 20 year old RG see the nose wiping hair ink dripping conspiracist version of himself and be like "Cant wait to grow into that!"
cleveland_leftovers t1_j8ix6le wrote
I still need to show this to my Conservative parents.
They’ll explain it away like the ‘grab’em by the pussy’ thing, but I guarantee they’ve never seen it.
gulleysann14 t1_j8ixrxf wrote
Big if true
tidho t1_j8iz9yz wrote
lmao. Biden happened as a result of the media finally dismantling Trump. Painting him as some kind of offensive weapon is simple hilarity. He won the nomination because he was the only perceived moderate among the 17 Dems running. If anyone knew how he'd actually govern, one of the others would have taken out Trump.
tidho t1_j8izg97 wrote
This is true, but it's not aligned with the acceptable reddit narrative as it actually gives him credit for legitimate accomplishments.
Artistic-Time-3034 t1_j8iznew wrote
Exactly. Dude saved a lot of lives and gave New York a good rep for allot of years.
Clouds2589 t1_j8j48w7 wrote
God, so he's ALWAYS looked like a smacked ass? I thought that was just due to old age. Looks like someone went to town on his face with a club
MulciberTenebras t1_j8j577e wrote
Leaving out the part about how Republicans gutted their demands and would've refused to pass any of them in a bill. They'd have gladly let the economy be wrecked by a rail shutdown caused by endless strike just to blame it on Biden.
[deleted] t1_j8j5hhe wrote
RohypnolPickupArtist t1_j8j5lh4 wrote
You're not though, the current "truth" is just HIGHLY partisan opinion.
GuiltyLawyer t1_j8j9d6z wrote
I remember when Joe Biden destroyed Guiliani's presidential aspirations by calling him, "probably the most underqualified man since George Bush to seek the presidency. Rudy Giuliani - there's only three things he [needs] to make a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11."
werofpm t1_j8j9e2h wrote
He oozes darkness…. If you needed a documentary to “reveal” said dark side, there’s no help for that burnt, somehow soggy, pop tart you carry inside your otherwise empty dome.
GuiltyLawyer t1_j8j9th4 wrote
Biden was an adjunct Constitutional Law professor at my law school. People fought to get into his Saturday morning class. Guy was seen by all as being very knowledgable and quick-witted.
GuiltyLawyer t1_j8ja0cm wrote
And instead of divorcing her he got a court to annul it ON THE GROUNDS THAT THEY WERE RELATED so that he wouldn't have to pay out. A true scumbag indeed.
BisexualPunchParty t1_j8jbd6i wrote
Reminder that Giuliani refused to provide the NYFD with modern walkie talkies, so that no one on the ground could radio up to tell them the towers were about to fall. Every firefighter who died in those towers has Giuliani to blame.
Conker1985 t1_j8jbf2m wrote
Liberals really need to dispense with the idea that young equals good or competent. Look at the biggest lunatics in the GOP right now. Gaetz, MTG, Boebert, DeSantis... all of them are young, and all of them are batshit insane. Experience goes a long way in politics, and Biden has more experience than just about anybody. The amount he's been able to get done despite walking into the biggest dumpster fire since the end of the Bush presidency is nothing less than astounding.
[deleted] t1_j8jbpqd wrote
PromiscuousMNcpl t1_j8jbtt2 wrote
My grandparents deflect with “he was a registered democrat then, of course he was depraved!”
JubalHarshaw23 t1_j8jc6ta wrote
He got his name as an Anti-Mob prosecutor by becoming the Fixer for one New York Crime family in exchange for dirt on the other families.
carcinoma_kid t1_j8jghzy wrote
Wow, Rudy Giuliani has a dark side? Huh.
BenTramer t1_j8jglic wrote
Criminal swindler piece of shit.
[deleted] t1_j8jjpdd wrote
shecky_blue t1_j8jjqrd wrote
Hard to compare being the NYC mayor on 9/11 to having your airplane shot down and being locked up in a north Vietnamese POW camp for six years.
keksmuzh t1_j8jl804 wrote
That’s the thing: McCain never should’ve been in a position to get shot down in Vietnam in the first place. He flew recklessly and crashed several planes domestically. He only kept his wings because his family had a lot of say in the military.
hagbardceline69420 t1_j8jnhoi wrote
>Rudy Guiliani, a guy whose sentences consist of a noun, a verb, and 9/11
- Dark Brandon
i've seen the Borat movie, dude should be in jail just for that.
chasing young girls around hotel rooms smfh
what a legacy
MrPotatoButt t1_j8jrwlw wrote
His dad was an admiral.
MrPotatoButt t1_j8js9oc wrote
Yeah, but those 40 year olds aren't even in a position of responsibility, let alone PotUS.
W_MarkFelt t1_j8jz2zs wrote
Don’t need to watch this shyte or anything else like it! Now people are making money from stories about them lying instead of just jailing them and being us being able to move on with our lives! Fuck Rudy, Trump, and the rest of them! AND those that continue to make money from keeping them relevant.
SeveralAct5829 t1_j8k6bck wrote
Crazy ass Rudy !! What happened to him ??
invent_or_die t1_j8k9sfz wrote
Not sure about that; many engineers and scientists, project managers at 40 that are senior folks.
timodreynolds t1_j8ke0m0 wrote
So many like minded individuals with a distaste for insider belt way politics.
[deleted] t1_j8kf04t wrote
shecky_blue t1_j8kgywq wrote
So, I’m hardly a McCain apologist (see: Palin, Sarah) but didn’t he refuse a prisoner transfer which would have gotten him out early because he was in fact an admiral’s son? I could be wrong there.
He wasn’t as much of a badass as Admiral Stockdale though, who cut himself with a razor and bashed himself in the face so he couldn’t be paraded around by the Viet Cong.
histprofdave t1_j8khibu wrote
Was gonna say, wait there's a *non-*dark side?
VeterinarianThese951 t1_j8kih0h wrote
I had no idea about the fight conduct. Thanks…
VeterinarianThese951 t1_j8kiyzh wrote
Too badass for me. I am a big sissy when it comes to pain.
I would have been on the parade float like the grand marshal…
jblanch3 t1_j8kpqv7 wrote
CNN just did another docuseries about Rudy but I haven't watched it yet.
Archamasse t1_j8kputb wrote
Right? All he had to do was head off into the sunset and he'd be probably be printed on money in a few centuries time. Now he's a joke.
Frankage t1_j8kshcq wrote
Four stones, four crates! Zero stones, ZERO CRATES!!
llessursivad t1_j8l21jz wrote
He should be arrested for tucking in his shirt after she untucked it while removing the microphone?
llessursivad t1_j8l5nl2 wrote
Remember when he was just tucking his shirt in?
CarmichaelD t1_j8l5r6l wrote
Wait! He did it BEFORE!?
NipplesOnMyPancakes t1_j8l67l2 wrote
Yep. Rudy's links to the Russian mafia and the Russian state go back decades.
The ironic thing is that probably the biggest threat of Russian meddling in America was totally ignored during the 90s. Not communism but crime/corruption. But I guess corruption and capitalism are comfortable bedfellows so it wasn't a big deal.
But if you look at Russia today, it's a pure gangster state. And they export their corruption and crime around the world.
OneGoodRib t1_j8ly732 wrote
Biden learned from the best and worst.
Anyway while I agree that politics shouldn't consist like 90% of people over the age of 65, I think age doesn't factor into things. There's plenty of shitty people who are young and plenty of old people who are still spry, witty, and competent.
OneGoodRib t1_j8ly8wt wrote
I still remember Giuliani calling Hilary Clinton a liar for claiming she was there walking around the debris-covered ground after 9/11 even though there's literally a photo of him with her in it doing just that.
OneGoodRib t1_j8lyf1z wrote
Well to be totally fair, there's probably not a single person in the entire world who isn't descended from a cousin/cousin marriage, particularly one that happened within the last 220 years. The real scandal is that anyone willingly married him in the first place.
OneGoodRib t1_j8lyhrv wrote
Most awful rich people also lack charm and good looks, though.
Artistic-Time-3034 t1_j8m46pm wrote
They probably weren’t even alive.
Artistic-Time-3034 t1_j8m48r4 wrote
Amally20 t1_j8m4ecc wrote
What a fucking loser, just trash.
InterestingPound8217 t1_j8m4eni wrote
It’s actually crazy how effective Biden has been considering the mess donny left
[deleted] t1_j8m4hgd wrote
SaxifrageRussel t1_j8m4oe4 wrote
Zorf and Dallas never meet
InterestingPound8217 t1_j8m4pwb wrote
Lmao he let the russian mob run wild, and empowered the police state. It was a very bad time for nyc.
[deleted] t1_j8m4v5k wrote
Artistic-Time-3034 t1_j8m55rl wrote
Can’t wait for the piece in Cuomo comes out, dude wrecked the New York economy destroyed historic businesses and killed all the damn seniors! While molesting his female workers and gaslighting the country.
AmishAvenger t1_j8mdbfq wrote
That is correct. They wanted to release him as propaganda. He refused to go unless everyone who’d been taken prisoner ahead of him was released first.
fahkoffkunt t1_j8me04r wrote
That’s very probable, but he’s the one who delivered it. Kinda pedantic, no?
FrumiousShuckyDuck t1_j8mkm0q wrote
Excited for your detailed and well-sourced reasoning behind why Biden is terrible. And who you considered a good president before him.
RohypnolPickupArtist t1_j8mr442 wrote
He's a Democrat, they'll never bother to tell the truth about him. During peak Covid they marketed him as a sex symbol, dudes been giving off strong sex predator vibes for decades.
[deleted] t1_j8mwzxk wrote
Locke_Moghan t1_j8n004f wrote
Especially since all of the younger generations are waiting for the Boomers to die off, thinking that politics would magically change as soon as that happens.
No, there's plenty of younger replacements ready to spew out their batshit-crazy ideas.
Conker1985 t1_j8n5puu wrote
Yep, all you have to do is look at the right-wing media landscape over the past 7 years to understand that it's not a generational problem.
It's no different than when progressives start going off about an imaginary AOC presidency every time she throws meat to her base on Twitter. Never mind the fact that her chances are slim to none on the national stage (and that isn't going to change anytime soon), but even if she magically beat the odds, it's not as though she'd have a blank check to write and pass legislation unilaterally, nor would it change how our government works. She likely have to content with a GOP majority in both the House and/or Senate. It would basically would amount to legislative gridlock domestically.
elinordash t1_j8nt6rg wrote
While I understand the desire to draw a big conspiracy theory around Guiliani, but I think he actually started out as someone with a massive ego and the intention to do good. Going after the Cosa Nostra in the 80s took serious guts. He also went after Wall Street in a very public way that sent some people to jail. His term as Mayor of NYC was controversial and there is a lot to criticize, but he was still taking big swings trying to make change.
If he had stayed a prosecutor, he'd probably be a much more admirable person. But fame seems to have been his driving ambition since 9/11.
Stillatin t1_j8ol60p wrote
Hopefully the rest of the country sees what new yorkers have known for decades.
Stillatin t1_j8oncsw wrote
Because he didn't do shit, crime was falling every year since dinkins, of course he's going to take credit, but his civic cleanup campaign was garbage. The only thing he did right was make Bratton the police commissioner. That's who really cleaned the city up. Everybody else was already doing their part in cleaning the city before Giuliani came in. Look up Nathan glazer, Dan biederman, Herbert sturz if you don't believe me.
MrPotatoButt t1_j8ooldl wrote
So you're calling those 40 year old engineers, scientists, & project managers in senior positions to be less mentally competent than Joe Biden?
tidho t1_j8oq347 wrote
so was it Dinkins or was it Bratton?
If Bratton was a good hire, the credit for that goes to Giuliani, that's how executive positions work.
Stillatin t1_j8ouccx wrote
It's everybody but Giuliani, if you want to be simple minded
tidho t1_j8outf9 wrote
got it.
guy he hired 'really cleaned the city up' but don't credit Giuliani because we don't like him for being too Trump.
Stillatin t1_j8ov38q wrote
The fuck are you talking about, i actually live in the damn city. Where the hell do you live, foh
tidho t1_j8ovi5l wrote
I don't live in the city, I'm basing my comments off the word of someone that lives in the city.
> The only thing he did right was make Bratton the police commissioner. That's who really cleaned the city up.
Stillatin t1_j8p5vpb wrote
I'm talking about your original comment you jackass, literally the reason why I even replied to your slow ass
ECKohns t1_j8pex6e wrote
9/11 was the greatest thing to happen to Rudy Guiliani. If 9/11 hadn’t happened. He would have been remembered as a mediocre mayor at best. Instead he was mayor of NYC when the most devastating attack happened. And in that one moment he demonstrated strength. But that is his only claim to fame. As Joe Biden once said, “Rudy Guiliani, he only mentions 3 things in a sentence, a noun and a verb and 9/11.”
tidho t1_j8pr1gd wrote
yes, i suggested he should get credit for the clean up
then you corrected me by saying he shouldn't, because the guy he hired was actually responsible for the clean up
Lookalikemike t1_j8tp6ma wrote
If you were a New Yorker during the Giuliani era, you could see the cracks in the image daily.
oldspice75 t1_j8gp6cl wrote
He never had any other side