Submitted by spickerson t3_1155vyu in television
First two episodes are currently available. Sad that this will be the final season though.
Submitted by spickerson t3_1155vyu in television
First two episodes are currently available. Sad that this will be the final season though.
I liked it. It seems like something that might have a hard time finding the right audience
I like it but I like the world building much more than the story if I’m being honest.
I really hope they have a massive recap before the second season starts, it's been FOUR years, I don't remember anything.
its....not great
Luckily they do, if not I would have been so lost!
I loved it but high fantasy settings are my cup of tea.
My opinion: the show had an interesting premise, an otherworldly music score and a beautiful scenography, but the acting was underwhelming, and the writing itself became weaker and weaker as it went on.
first season was an interesting setup. 2nd season has a weak start.
LOVED this show. Hope S2 is better for not having to build the world so much.
> Probably the last season
Not probably, it has been completely confirmed. The show was cancelled a few months ago. Season 2 will be the last
yep. But I could have lived without the Beauty and the Beast subplot
Imagine if they ever do Taboo :(
At least the writers knew this and they wrote this season to be the last.
iirc there's a recap uploaded onto the Amazon Prime YT page
While this show got massively delayed due to COVID, Amazon's pretty bad about their shows in general. Most seasons have been finished filming over a year before they finally release them.
My wife and I really liked it. I hope this second season is as good.
And it is just as depressing as you remember.
it had an interesting premise, very good cast but lacked in writing. Especially the later episodes had so much themes they wanted to explore, but barely anything worked anymore. Too bad, I had so much hope when I started to watch it.
But I will definitely look into the second season.
Well, not much changed.
Cara Delevingne still can't act and Orlando Bloom and her still have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever.
It's a mind boggling casting choice, as Bloom himself isn't the greatest actor and certainly doesn't have enough acting chops to carry Delevigne. Pairing them up was such a terrible choice. Maybe it was the same casting director that thought Cara Delevigne and Dane Dehaan would make a great screen couple?
They should have given Delevigne's role to the actress that plays her friend from the brothel because that one can actually act and convey emotions on screen.
The writing isn't much better.
The only somewhat interesting plot line is the one with the rich Faun dude and the snob Lady, but it's written and acted so badly that calling it interesting is already a stretch.
That is always gift, many studios finally get this about letting shows have an ending and/or doing each season as chapter with beginning middle and end. In case they don't get picked up, more people would be willing to invest into new shows if they knew they were likely to get killed off and the story left with major hanging plot questions.
Wow I forgot this existed
How many Yellowstones (and spin-offs) seasons has that been?
Took this long for it to end on season no
Kinda want to say no thanks
Me too I’m sad it took so long
The first episode also starts with a pretty decent recap.
I actually thought Cara Delevigne improved significantly this season. Her acting was the low point of the show for me in season 1. I didn't notice it taking me out of the story nearly as much with these first two episodes of season 2.
Everyone keeps saying this but has it been confirmed? The cancellation announcement was made well after the second season finished filming. I wasn't so sure that the writers were given the head's up necessary to tie up loose ends.
It's an uneven show. But on the balance, I really like it. There is some weak acting that I find distracting. Dialogue could have been written better in places. And the special effects are not as strong as in the more expensive fantasy shows.
But the story of season 1 was fantastic. The characters are generally well fleshed out. The world is fascinating and somewhat unique. The music is wonderful. The visuals of the show (apart from some special effects stuff) really draw you in. The politics of the world feel real. The whole thing is very engaging.
The first two episodes are good, I'm curious where they are bringing all the stuff they've introduced.
But they weren't as strong as season 1, which isn't a surprise but it a shame.
She read her lines as if from a teleprompter in between nodding off in Only Murders in the Building.
I mean if you are going to use your connections to shoehorn yourself into roles you could put some effort in?
I miss the zeppelin and werewolf fights.
The setting is great.
Getting dumped back into I Can't Believe It's Not London for some shit acting for the rest of the filler episodes was rough.
Jarred Harris was in it and I didn't care. I would have wrestled a polar bear for him in The Terror. Or the Expanse or Chernobyl. A radioactive one. Melting.
It took forever to get a second and final season of the Patriot. That turned out amazing, hope this has as much luck
I forgot this show existed, and I can’t even remember if I finished the first season. It did seem like an interesting concept though.
bro you just made me remember we still don't have season 2.
Not sure we ever will, too bad because I loved the first season. Amazing cast aswell
> as Bloom himself isn't the greatest actor
Let's be real, he can't act for shit, if it wasn't for him being very handsome he never would have made it.
Funnily enough he is the lead in one of my favourite movie (Kingdom of Heaven DC) but I still think he brings that movie down a bit.
He was okay in PotC because he doesn't really have to act much, and Legolas was perfect for him because he doesn't display much emotions but everything else I've seen him in he was mediocre at best.
And unlike a lot of actors he isn't very charismatic either.
I think there is a reason why he wasn't in many project after 2007, he had an utterly ridiculous run between 2001-2007 (LOTR , Black Hawk Down , Pirates , Troy and Kingdom of Heaven) then I think Hollywood realized he couldn't act.
Watched the available episodes. It was pretty good. The recap helped but I only remember 1/4 of what was recapped. Lol.
It's my understanding that if they ever do give us a season 2, its gonna be like American Horror Story. Mostly the same cast and crew, but different characters, setting, and story.
I think they were looking at a story during the Vietnam War next.
It's a decent steampunk/fantasy concept; basically, "the Fae" - beings that are mythological in our reality, like fauns and faeries - are living creatures in this world, but there's a lot of prejudice against them from the human majority. Intrigue and some action ensues when a bunch of Fae refugees end up living in Carnival Row, a slum district in a majority-human city.
The problem is that the two protagonists (a faerie radical played by Cara Delivingne and a human cop played by Orlando Bloom) are kind of boring. The glimpses of life in Carnival Row often suggest events and characters who are more interesting than the leads, which gets frustrating.
Production design is good, though.
I would have been interested if they hadn't already announced cancellation.
Source for this?
I don't have the source, but I can confirm that I was once read the same thing lol
Holy fuck! 4?! I'm so olddddddd
This show had so many things going against it, I'm shocked they filmed a second season. Between covid, the budget, and the lack of chemistry between the leads, I bet Cara's very public meltdown was the final nail in the coffin.
Season was just perfect with a blanket and some tea. Just really lovely schlock.
Hmm, yes, Nootka, hmm
Hardy said he does want to do a second season, but it will be treated like an anthology series and the story would pick up with a descendent of his character in the first season.
I'll wait till all the episodes are out before starting it. I hate that Amazon is releasing some shows weekly now.
> Cara Delevingne still can't act and Orlando Bloom and her still have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever.
Only seen the first season yet, but I thought she is way better in this than anything else i have seen from her(well the rest was terrible, so not a high bar). And I really liked them together in the flashback episode (i think it was episode 3?). This episode was also the highlight for me. Kinda meh before and medicore/okay after that.
Is it really only two episodes? Is this like a movie or something? I was going to start last night but was too tired.
they only release a few episodes at a time
They did - i still forgot quite a few things but they did.
I can't believe it's back - i enjoyed the two episodes posted already and can't wait for more.
I love this world - this grimy, steampunk-ish world of both mechanical technology and magic. I thought i wouldn't be happy with how the main character sort of changes his place in the world at the end of the season and it would ruin the formula, but maybe my tastes changed since 2019 and i feel it's more interesting this way... not like Luther, where he stops being a cop after three episodes, spends an entire season arguing with some Chav and her screaming kid, which was NOT fun to watch.
you know what writers should also do a better job of not ending on cliffs
go watch the wire. each season wrapped up
had it been cancelled at any seasons end you still would have had at least most storylines wrapped up
That's him saying it could be literally anything
> Funnily enough he is the lead in one of my favourite movie (Kingdom of Heaven DC) but I still think he brings that movie down a bit.
Definitely, it's actually pretty impressive how Bloom gets completely out-acted in almost every scene. That cast overall is god-tier
Yeah especially when he shares the screen with the guy who played Saladin and David Thewlis.
I think in the first act of the movie it somehow make sense for him to be "wooden" he pretty much doesn't want to live but when he arrives at Jerusalem he doesn't portray much more emotions.
I think a better actor would have elevated that movie even more. someone like Gyllenhall, Colin Farrell or Christian Bale (bit older)
I can see it from both sides, writers want to set up big events and are pressured to by studios/producers, but often are doing that when the studio has not firmly committed in ink on paper for next season is bad for business. Doing this abuses the trust the fans have with the show to not leave them hanging. Once that trust is broken, it's hard to regain it. Just like with trust in real life.
Plus their was the "ALF" show where the writers and show staff tried to force the studios to give them another season by having the show end on huge cliff hanger, while knowing that was going to be their last episode. They scorched the bridge over the river and the villages on both sides of the river with that poorly thought out plan. The studios got the hate mail, the fans felt burned and a show that could have went out with an epic ending, went being known for "What not to do with your series" lesson.
I'm a fan of each season being a Chapter or "Book Ends" per each season, you can still have long running story arcs and themes but each season has a beginning, middle and end.
Take the series Showtime/ J.J. Abrams "Roadies" (think of it like tv series of the film "Almost Famous"), great series but got the Ax. Luckily Cameron Crowe wrote the season to be a complete story in case they weren't picked up for the second season. The story of the characters would easily go on, but that was good ending point. In case they didn't get the seasons they were promised.
Compare that to Carnival Row (yes Covid issues...) that they left it on such a cliff hanger then took 5 years, that they will have to spend multiple episodes rebuilding up the story universe as people have forgotten and moved on. Fans were pissed off on how they were treated. On short seasons or low episode per year you shouldn't pull major cliff hangers, that you won't come back to for 10-12 months to shoot the next parts. In a show that has episodes all year(20-ish) that is already back filming before the last episode(s) in prior season runs, the show can pivot and bring it for landing. Like how the series "New Amsterdam" did.
Take "Grey's Anatomy" , I can't stand to watch it because canonical universe is so bad. That hospital has had so many of the worst world tragedies at it, no one would want to work there and no would want to do their residencies there. Because every year the worst shit happens in the world at that one location, its like volunteering to be in first wave on suicide charge in war.
Ever since that "Who shot J.R." from "Dallas" big post season public & media obsession, shows have been trying to do a re-capture of that with cliff hanger season endings much to fans frustration. So much that many viewers just wait until the show's season is out before investing time and emotional buy in, and this may even take there being multiple seasons. Which without those viewers studios are fast to kill off show and the wonder why shows get less and less viewers, when they treat the fans(viewers) like crap and do story lines just to screw with their emotions for ratings.
The good thing is we have a whole generation of people coming into power in the industry as producers, directors, show runners that grew up with that and many of their favorite shows jerked out from under them. Ones people are still talking about years/decades later. They see their viewers and fan base as part of production something to treat with more care instead of something to jerk around for their amusement because look at all the online conversations.
Compared against say Kirkman of "The Walking Dead" he was an ass as the comic's writers and even pushed out the endingof the series issue while release covers and summaries of the next issues into the trade industry news sources for pre-ordering.... With the series he has only become worse towards the fan base, as his puppets to make dance around, because he thinks he can do no wrong with all the cash... When his franchise burns out finally, I'll be sad for some of the characters and their actors but happy he is out of the picture.
The Wire is good show, not my cup of tea, but I see why people like it. I wish it would have clicked with me. I had the same issue with "Fringe"
I didn't know they renewed it. Cool.
I don't disagree with the person below who got a lot of votes criticizing the leads but I'll still f'n watch it lol. Outside of TLOU there ain't much else going on these last 2 months :)
Credit to Amazon I guess for sticking with their properties. Can you guys buy Dark Crystal from Netflix like you bought Expanse from SyFy now?
> Cara's very public meltdown
I'm way out of the loop what was the meltdown about?
Her drug problem got the best of her as she was acting erratic and was kicked off of Jay-Z's jet.
It's almost comical how wooden he is in every scene. I can sometimes justify a character being wooden and weird (sometimes it almost fits the material), but it just really doesn't work here.
They should have just used the budget to make SAGA a mini series
Hollywood saw Elizabethtown and Bloom's run was done.
I think they killed it after this second season.
Thank you for answering that for me.
The orginal creator apperntly left between season 1 and 2. I'm not super upset it's ending the first 3 episodes haven't felt as good as season 1.
NitroLotus t1_j901b72 wrote
Probably the last season. Never heard much good about this show and it never comes up anywhere. People who have watched, am I wrong?