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rkd2999 t1_j9bdcr7 wrote

So many memorable lines… I haven’t seen the show in years, so apologies for the inevitable inaccuracies in the following:

[From the episode where Hank’s sex tape gets out…]
Larry: Is it me or is Hank really well hung?
Artie: Well, don’t forget the camera adds 10 pounds.

[From the series finale]
Tom Petty: (whining) Aw, but I wanted to be your Bette Midler!
[OP: How many people nowadays would get this is a reference to Midler singing on Carson’s last show?]
[From the same episode]
Artie: Sorry, the show is running late, we’ll have to bump you to next week. Bruno Kirby: Are you crazy? There are no more shows. This is the last show dammit.
Artie: (Choking up) I know it is son, I know.

[Larry having to piss badly as his previous attempts at leaving during the show breaks were thwarted]
Larry: Artie, at the next break, clear the hallway to the bathroom. Warn the staff that it’s going to be out, and it’s going to be spraying.

[When a show is going particularly badly]
Larry: Artie, if I had a gun now I’d put it to my head, and stand close to you so that hopefully just the one bullet would take us both out.

[Edit: fixed line breaks]


BigEvil621 OP t1_j9be31f wrote

My personal favorite line delivery is when Roseanne is helping Larry overcome his addiction and she brings his staff to his house for an intervention and Larry asks what everyone’s doing here on a work day.

And Artie with his usual happy and caring but somehow dismissive tone goes “Hey ya sport it’s Saturday.”