Submitted by unitedfan6191 t3_115ysp1 in television


Hope you’re doing well.

Which iconic characters can you think of that you had mixed feelings over for whatever reason, as a person or character, whether that was by design from the creators or it was not intended?

For me, Greg House is one I can think of because he was undoubtedly a genius diagnostician and capable of solving puzzles in that area, but he acted like a sarcastic ass to anyone and everyone (even his friends) and he drive people away and his Vicodin addiction and fear of commitment made him act unbelievably crazy and violent at times and he’d be a difficult person to get along with as he keeps trying to oudh you away.

I’m not sure at any point we were meant to like him (definitely not as a person) but of course as the central protagonist we would want him to overcome his demons and have a happy ending.

Who can you think of?



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johngie t1_j95j6x9 wrote

I don't care for Gob.


theyusedthelamppost t1_j95kv59 wrote

Jaime Lannister went through the most extremes of first hating him then later wanting him to be the generational hero the whole ending revolved around.


Maris-Stella t1_j96jmik wrote

I really like how the show is made but I just can't get into the character of Sherlock. I think he is somehow a bit too superior.. I don't know. I have the same issue with Dr. House.


MusicLikeOxygen t1_j97abju wrote

One of the many things I don't understand about how GoT ended. Who thought it was a good idea to throw away 7 seasons of character development, and pretty much turn him back into who he was on episode 1?


anasui1 t1_j97anvh wrote

I guess House is meant to be ambivalent, same with Don Draper who is perhaps one of the worst men in the history of tv, and he doesn't even have House's best qualities; at least he heals people, Draper's mission is to make money


MrX16 t1_j97ukqa wrote

The Neutrals from the Neutral Planet on Futurama. I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


StarChild413 t1_j98wfza wrote

I'm an avid SVU watcher (and no I didn't just bring that up because Richard Belzer died) and at times I feel kinda forced to like Olivia because she's as close as it has to a protagonist, at her best she does remind me of my mom (and Munch reminded me of my dad so looking at them you can imagine what growing up was like for me) but my relationship with my mom, well, could be better too. The only character I ever felt really able to connect with (for the time they were on) was Rollins.