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ECKohns t1_j8nqhi0 wrote

I’ll check it out. I actually enjoy the Free Streaming Services like Tubi and PlutoTV.


Juan_Kagawa t1_j8ntce1 wrote

We all want the frog back, but they'll 100% fuck it up somehow.


Tampammm t1_j8ntj8a wrote

They can really distinguish themselves from all the other dime a dozen FAST services, if they fill their channels with a lot of their exclusive WB content.


Tampammm t1_j8o6jfc wrote

I'm talking more about legacy/proprietary content of Warner Bros. from the 1930s/40s/50s/60s/70s/80s/90s. I'd like to see all that great classical content.

I doubt much of that is in the Tubi deal, it's mostly recent stuff in there.


jbaker1225 t1_j8pp26z wrote

That’s just their designated call sign as assigned by the FCC (broadcast TV and radio transmissions east of the Mississippi are assign a W- plus 3-letter call sign, and broadcasters to the west get a K- plus 3 letters sign). Considering this will be an app, it’s not likely a local CBS affiliated will have much grounds for dispute.


bros402 t1_j8q3a34 wrote

are they not bringing back the frog, or was it MeToo'd