rjwalsh94 t1_j8vedv1 wrote
Kinda bullshit that everything on D+ will suffer as a result. The low Andor numbers I hope don’t lead to a reduced budget, but who knows how far along they are on that show in production.
It’s just misstep after misstep. I’m not saying that HBO isn’t in red, because they most certainly are, but you have to create content that is worth watching and not resting on laurels.
If half of these D+ shows got the quality of HBO shows, this might be a different story. The bubble has burst and we’re going back to square one.
Does anyone remember when House of Cards was brand new and streaming was amazing. How far we’ve come in 10 years with oversaturation and lack of quality content. Give people a reason to subscribe - not oh you gotta watch this Marvel show that doesn’t have any purpose despite us saying it does.
GigiRiva t1_j8vx3ep wrote
Considering Andor is the only thing Marvel or Star Wars has produced that is actually aimed at adults and it got the numbers that it did, I doubt replicating that will be a priority anywhere in the business
Yung_Corneliois t1_j8yz2ra wrote
Which is a shame because I feel like the real issue with Andor was that it came out after so many previous flops that no one gave it a chance. It’s the previous show’s poor quality that hurt Andor the most.
[deleted] t1_j8z8atu wrote
lospollosakhis t1_j8wtqq4 wrote
Sadly premium TV doesn’t necessarily make much business sense unless it’s GOT levels of popular. I hate humans lol.
felixsapiens t1_j90pape wrote
The name is synonymous with kids entertainment. I don’t think that is going to change. I open the Disney app and i assume I’m watching family tv.
It’s why I think Doctor Who is an excellent fit for Disney going forward (as long as it keeps it’s unique britishness.)
UmeshgaarB t1_j8wyb0q wrote
That's the problem with having infinite money you can throw on CGI (albeit it still looks shit), but then you choose to skimp out on actually good writers. It just ends up becoming this supremely generic CGI clusterfuck.
Meanwhile HBO chooses to put the budget required for the stuff that needs the high budget, but has way more focus on high quality, well written shows. With the budget Disney+ puts into one show, HBO can make 5-6 well written shows and they can all be critically acclaimed.
It's not just saturation of content, it's oversaturation of how similar they are. They are also way too focused on pleasing all these minorities and pointing fingers at "hey, I bet you've never seen a lesbian character portrayed in a big budget show, or a Bi character, or a muslim character, or a indian etc", the list goes on and on. Don't try to please every type of audience, that's just gonna set you up to fail, concentrate on making good content, and either while it airs or in the long run, the seeds you sow will grow.
I know for sure I don't have any desire to rewatch any of the Disney+ shows. But with other shows I have gone back and watched so many scenes and whole episodes because I just wanna relive the moment.
Mission-Detail-4085 t1_j90j5l1 wrote
Lol, wow that was ride. That 3rd paragraph was a twist I was not expecting.
Fahqbyach t1_j91dygs wrote
This is going to be a controversial take but I think that Disney’s pursuit of presenting an ideal ideological universe in marvel and Star Wars has made the content fairly hollow. I mean to say that there is an emphasis on putting together multicultural cast, on female participation on the writing and directing side. This wouldn’t be problematic if those creatives earned their spot and weren’t just a story artist with a novel idea or if the characters in the shows/movies had a genuine background that brought them together. There is nothing wrong with women’s voices or diverse casts, but when you insist on framing the women characters as anti-establishment and against a patriarchal foe, or act like racism hasn’t created inequities that shape a characters experience and attitude, everything comes off as pandering and insincere
magvadis t1_j8x4bxq wrote
I'm hoping Andor gets renewed and maintained as a passion project because it's the only prestige thing to come out of Star Wars since the Disney acquisition. It's the only meaningful fuckin thing come out of Star Wars since TLJ....only less controversial because it doesn't involve the franchises favorite Marty Stu.
JesusCabrita t1_j8x8pul wrote
They r filming season 2 right now
magvadis t1_j8xaond wrote
I'd take as many seasons as I can get if the 3 part arcs stay this solid.
JesusCabrita t1_j8xb4lk wrote
They will if I remember well, 3 episodes covering 1 year
djangobhubhu t1_j8z0aw1 wrote
It's ending after season 2. It's confirmed.
RealJohnGillman t1_j94b20g wrote
It was pitched as a two-season limited series (after deeming five seasons would take too long and cost too much).
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