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PRIMAWESOME t1_j8v5unx wrote

In Australia you watch Paramount+ through either Apple TV or Amazon Prime. So assuming it doesn't bother being its own thing in other countries, maybe that's why it's so shit?


darkeyes13 t1_j8vtwub wrote

I'm in Australia and I have a standalone P+ app on my TV.

Still a shit app, but we're not limited to only getting it through Apple TV or Amazon Prime.


PRIMAWESOME t1_j8vvewt wrote

Fair enough, must be on Smart TVs and other devices. I thought it was just one of those merged with another streaming service like HBO or Peacock.


starsandbribes t1_j8vjp69 wrote

Are you sure the standalone app isn’t also available on top of those two options? You get the standalone and joined subs in most countries.


PRIMAWESOME t1_j8vvmur wrote

Seems to be a separate app on some devices like Smart TVs, so is available.


pschernek t1_j8wwxmi wrote

it is through apple tv+, not sure about amazon.


Cyan-ranger t1_j8w3t12 wrote

There’s a stand alone ios app for it in Australia as well