Submitted by HRJafael t3_119kn0b in television
TheWretchedSpirit t1_j9msk0u wrote
Unfortunately, Whenerly has AT&T...
Popeholden t1_j9muod5 wrote
what is that title? is it a question?
Philboyd_Studge t1_j9mwmo6 wrote
Is this a sequel to The Heart, She Holler
DataLore19 t1_j9mxkwk wrote
It's actually Whenifred. Clearly not a real fan...
anasui1 t1_j9mz81g wrote
when calls the heart just tell her home I am not
Bree7702 t1_j9n48kn wrote
The worst name for a tv show ever. It doesn't even make sense.
cryptic-fox t1_j9n7hhj wrote
The show is called When Calls the Heart.
cryptic-fox t1_j9n7l5h wrote
From what I’ve read, it’s just a more poetic way of saying “when the heart calls.”
Popeholden t1_j9ndfuh wrote
what does it mean?!
cryptic-fox t1_j9ndkpf wrote
Lol. A fancy way of saying “when the heart calls”.
HalfHourTillBrillig t1_j9nmlaa wrote
i wish it were, you have no idea
[deleted] t1_j9npi7z wrote
Pvt_Wierzbowski t1_j9p2t52 wrote
It’s like “Who’s on First?” It’s about a guy named When. He frequently calls the heart. Great show.
explodingkitchen t1_j9qgw6x wrote
Oh, goody. More Beach Curls History.
meatball77 t1_j9vby5k wrote
This show will never end.
The first season was actually pretty good. Then the entire town started buying coats at Ross and stopped being a poor frontier town.
Maninhartsford t1_j9mqmjv wrote
I wonder if our hero, Whenerly, will finally be able to reach an area with enough cell reception to reconnect with her boyfriend, Hartford "The Heart" Romance