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shwaar t1_j9qz8l3 wrote

Personally, I liked the song, “Walk Into the Fire” or whatever it is more, but yeah, that whole episode was fire


LuckyandBrownie t1_j9r8xvc wrote

The music is great, I still sing songs from it, and my go to insult is his eyes are beady. But I think it is so long lasting and special because of how well it fit the show. It wasn’t about the music it was about the characters expressing themselves, so every song is more memorable and meaningful.


AmnesiaInnocent t1_j9riea7 wrote

Yes, one thing the article didn't make clear was that unlike the Psych, Scrubs or Flash musical episodes (those are the only other ones mentioned that I've seen), the songs in "Once More with Feeling" continue (or finally expose) season-long subplots, like Buffy's feelings after being pulled out of Heaven, or Tara's concern about Willow's use of magic....not to mention having the lyrics sprinkled with Easter Eggs for the fans such as the mention of bunnies or Xander's curse from the Chumash Indians from "Pangs" (S04E08)


raziel_r t1_j9rj9x8 wrote

Don't think any other series did a musical episode anywhere near as well even after all this time.


shadowdra126 t1_j9ro5j0 wrote

Dragon con does a “buffy” horror picture show live shadow cast with this episode each year and it is so much fun


bros402 t1_j9s2fes wrote

I love "She's not even half the girl she...ow"

Have you listened to the podcast Buffering the Vampire Slayer? It's from musician Jenny Owen Youngs and her ex-wife, Kristin Russo. She wrote a song for every single episode of Buffy.


schleppylundo t1_j9s4ulw wrote

In a well-written traditional musical (so excluding sung-through ones like Les Miserables and Hamilton) music numbers are used to express feelings and emotions that the characters couldn’t or wouldn’t express through words alone. Making that part of the actual conceit of the episode and its dramatic fallout was a stroke of brilliance.


ds2316476 t1_j9ss5e5 wrote

Funny! I still hear the "I have a theory!" song every time someone has an idea or a theory.


tqbh t1_j9sxfjj wrote

It was not only a fun musical but had also a shocking revelation at the end, which was the high point of this season. This was also the last episode where Whedon was heavily involved (he wrote the music and directed it) outside of directing the finale. Think of him what your will now, but after he "left" the show became very mediocre.


ladyKfaery t1_j9sxlij wrote

Let me rest in peace is awesome, my fave song from this episode. The choreography alone.


TheBSisReal t1_j9t8fkl wrote

And then they did a throwback to it in season 7 with a new song for Anya, “I’ll be Mrs.”

Mrs. Anya Lameass Made Up Maidenname Harris.


thrilling_me_softly t1_j9tnmaq wrote

They wrote their own songs not covering popular songs of the time. The songs had meaning to the plot and while only three of them could sign well, that’s didn’t really matter. It’s reveal of Buddy went to heaven and not he’ll when she died moved the plot along. Musical episodes tend to have no meaning to the story but this one was important to it. I still listen to the songs on Spotify every few months.


mikepictor t1_j9v264y wrote

"I can bring whole cities to ruin, and still have time to get a soft shoe in."

I've always loved that rhyme


pa79 t1_j9v9n6q wrote

> I love "She's not even half the girl she...ow"

And "I think this line's mostly filler", Alyson Hannigan's only line in the song because she's bad at singing.


Deferential_dreams t1_j9vbmxw wrote

The Magicians had fun musical episodes (except the final one that just wasn’t good), and the cast had some really strong singers. That said, I have a hard time comparing because The Magicians didn’t use original songs, compared to musical episodes in shows like Buffy or Scrubs.


HOBOwithaTREBUCHET t1_ja4numj wrote

Just a PSA: Some editions of this episode are shorter than others. Be careful when purchasing it online. Make sure you're getting the full 50 minute version and not the 43 minute, TV edit.