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PortoGuy18 t1_j9gmu8i wrote

I like the last of us, but i think there is a lot of recency bias at the moment in regards with the comparisons between both shows.

Andrew Lincoln as Rick owned every scene he was in and helped The Walking Dead become the phenomenom that it was.

Pedro Pascal is good, but i have seen him do better than joel.


tagen t1_j9h86zo wrote

Yeah, I really liked Lincoln’s performance, in particular his interactions with John Bernthal’s character.

I had no idea he was british when i first saw The Walkimg Dead, but he definitely had the whole southern sheriff behavior down


KlaatuBrute t1_j9hgora wrote

> Yeah, I really liked Lincoln’s performance, in particular his interactions with John Bernthal’s character.

That entire opening scene of the series is phenomenal. The pilot was so good, and IMO could even stand alone as a great zombie movie.


tagen t1_j9hlqlm wrote

Yeah, those first few episodes had me hooked. Rick waking up and searching for his family, getting stuck in the tank and having Glenn save his ass, the mall escape, going back for Merle, etc.

So good


HollywoodJones t1_j9ixzzc wrote

Frank Darabont specifically filmed it that way, to make the episodes feel like short films. It's why the first two seasons are regarded as the best of the entire series while the rest slipped into the downward spiral of hot garbage it became.


Lil_Mcgee t1_j9jji56 wrote

> It's why the first two seasons are regarded as the best of the entire series

Not so sure about this. I defend season 2 of TWD but it was fairly heavily criticised when it came out and still doesn't have the best reputation to this day due to the (not entirely unfounded) perception that it is drawn out and tedious.

Losing Darabont definitely did a lot to hurt the show's vision and set the stage for the inevitable decline. That said I think if you asked a group of people (let's assume they've seen at least the first 6 or so seasons) to rank their favourites I would expect to see most people place S4 above S2 and frankly I wouldn't be surprised to see S2 at the bottom of many lists.


DoctorSkeeterBatman t1_j9m4ncp wrote

Season 1 also had some ridiculous dog shit like intelligent zombies/zombies partially retaining their human memories....things people talk shit about and just ignore were 100% Darabont.

Also Season 2 was widely considered one of the worst lol (though I loved it and think it's one of the best) specifically because Darabont left between Season 1 and 2. People HATED it and said it was just boring farm drama and was ruining the show.


peanutdakidnappa t1_j9i0i4t wrote

Ya I’m really not getting that dudes comment, Lincoln’s accent is rock solid and his acting on the show has pretty much been fantastic his entire time on it. One of if not the best things about the show for the entire time he was on it, his acting never wavered even if the quality of the show did


Dennyisthepisslord t1_j9gwvyp wrote

I'd say last of us and early walking dead are very similar. And it's largely why I am not warming to it as much as others.


qwertycantread t1_j9jj34a wrote

I watched the first episode an thought it was just like The Walking Dead. Not interesting.


monchota t1_j9gyo3d wrote

The only good parts of walking dead is the first 3 season.


Bad_Mood_Larry t1_j9h4ufz wrote

You liked the farm? Season 1 was very good....The rest was always grasping because how production was screwed after that 1st season.


HollywoodJones t1_j9iy3uf wrote

It went from Frank Darabont and a fantastic team of writers with movie budget quality production to a cringe inducing soap operate edited in Final Cut Pro.


ThePizzaMan100 t1_j9jlgyt wrote

Not really. Parts of season 4 and 5 were the best part of the series. The Terminus arc was the peak of TWD.


monchota t1_j9gyjqr wrote

There is no comparison, it is an HBO show versus a AMC show. The walking dead was ok but was too much filler and drama after season 3.


bondball7 t1_j9hw7ca wrote

I absolutely agree with your assessment of TWD, but we’re also 5 episodes into TLOU and there’s been 1 filler episode. It was amazing, but ep 3 did almost nothing to push the story. It was minor background filler. I don’t remember much filler in the first three TWD seasons…after that I remember a lot.

I’ve played TLOU and am worried about them having enough to fill out more than a season or two. So far we’ve been introduced to 7-10 characters and they all end up dead. Seems by design, but how far can that take them?


chilloutfam t1_j9jpynt wrote

i have no problem with the filler episodes thus far because they have been incredible. bill and frank is one of my favorite episodes of tv in a long time.


HornetKick t1_j9hz8c9 wrote


Yeah this is true. I'm not familiar with the game and I figured he was going to stay and hang out with his brother but then they separate again. What?


peanutdakidnappa t1_j9i0u8i wrote

Why’s that a surprise, he’s still gotta get Ellie to the firefly place so hopefully they can create some sort of cure. Did you just think they’d stop there for good in Wyoming and say eh she’s immune but fuck a possible cure?


HornetKick t1_j9i5kig wrote

Imo it was a tad disjointled because he cant wait to find his brother, finds him and then asks him to take Ellie, then tells her she gotta go without him, and then the very next day says oh I'll still take you. It was filler for sure.

The end goal has mostly been to find a cure but there is no proof that even her blood will work. That has been mentioned a couple of times.


peanutdakidnappa t1_j9ib62r wrote

I don’t think any of that was filler at all lol, it was great character building moments. Also obviously there is no proof her blood will help create a cure but she’s the only Immune person out there so they at least gotta give it a shot.


HollywoodJones t1_j9iy8te wrote

The last episode seemed to suffer from large gaps in production because it felt like the seasons weren't consistent. My guess is they started it during lockdowns or something.


HornetKick t1_j9hz0kz wrote

>too much filler

I totally agree and that is why I bailed. The filler is annoying as hell.


chilloutfam t1_j9jpviz wrote

eh, breaking bad was on AMC. and that's a top 3 show for me.


MustardTiger1337 t1_j9izcc4 wrote

I mean also one is AMC and one is HBO
Funding was a huge issue with the walking dead, just look at S02 on the farm. One set for the whole season. Just imagine if this was on HBO


bondball7 t1_j9hvcm8 wrote

For sure. Just started re-watching TWD and am in S4. So far it’s pretty great with some cringy moments and a few bad writing spots. I know it gets worse from here…think I stopped watching season 7 or 8.

So far I’m enjoying The Last of Us and the acting is great, but feels like they’re already having a hard time filling the season out, so it feels like people are just into it because it’s above good. Doesn’t yet feel great like TWD did first 3 seasons. Pascal was great though in the last episode and episode 3 was amazing, even though it was basically filler.


ThePizzaMan100 t1_j9jltxa wrote

> So far I’m enjoying The Last of Us and the acting is great, but feels like they’re already having a hard time filling the season out, so it feels like people are just into it because it’s above good.

I think the difference is that the “filler” episodes in TLOU is still full of great character moments and amazing production design. Which is what TWD lacked for the most part in their filler episodes. The Bill and Frank episode for example was amazing.


Lethal234 t1_j9mlier wrote

I love Andrew Lincoln but he has nothing on Pedro Pascal, lol