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sevsnapey t1_j8ykd5a wrote

for viewers of the show does wednesday have a shot at any wins? i haven't seen it but beyond it being insanely popular/watched i haven't heard that it was a contender for best drama comedy? apparently


Mentoman72 t1_j8z0n40 wrote

I could maybe see Ortega taking lead actor in a comedy but I think it's still a long shot.


ZealousidealBus9271 t1_j8z1sn3 wrote

Ortega basically has one face for the entire show. I get that’s her character but I don’t see why she should even be nominated other than for how popular the show was.


annaamontanaa t1_j8z24wf wrote

Definitely not. I do think it would be nice to see Jenna Ortega nominated though, she nailed it. But the show as whole? No way, very CW