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ShallManEaseHer t1_j9m41vn wrote

Fun fact: no matter where you live piracy is not bad and anyone trying to convince you it's a crime is an ammoral dumbass.


yeroii t1_j9njv5m wrote

Anyone who try to convince you to pay for shit is amoral?


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9riisg wrote

Yes, in fact, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

It's especially well defined as amoral when the thing you're "consuming" isn't consumable, costs no time money or effort to copy, and the people who had the most impact on making it aren't making the money from the people who are rent seeking on it anyways.


yeroii t1_j9sokbv wrote

>Yes, in fact, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

This is the "you critique capitalism but you use an iphone meme".


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9swzns wrote

You know that meme is making fun of you, right?


yeroii t1_j9sx21v wrote

I know. That meme is stupid however. Which is my exact point.


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9vs77z wrote

Because you don't understand the dialectical underpinning?


yeroii t1_j9w750n wrote

Because it is stupid.


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9wslbr wrote

Ignorant people often say that about things they don't understand. It's a very transparent defense mechanism.


yeroii t1_j9xh4kr wrote

Sure it is. The only way to dislike something is misunderstanding.


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9xibgb wrote

There's plenty of reasons for disliking something.

The reason people usually give when that reason is "they're ignorant" is, "because it's stupid".

When they understand an idea, they can usually articulate why they don't like it 😉


PhillyTaco t1_j9sz7sp wrote

>Yes, in fact, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

As opposed to taking my money by force through threat of imprisonment and giving it to someone else, which is totally ethical.


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9vs0uh wrote

You just described capitalism.


tidho t1_j9nfs35 wrote

the irony of using "ammoral"


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9rikzw wrote

The fact that I have well defined and self examined morals is....ironic?


badgarok725 t1_j9o85eh wrote

How is it not?


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9ria33 wrote

Because the entirety of human existence owes itself to the fact that ideas aren't physical objects. Copying them, telling other people, and being part of a community of information is what seperates us from animals.

Pretending that you can steal watching a movie makes you dumber than a monkey.


badgarok725 t1_j9ruo37 wrote

Good lord


ShallManEaseHer t1_j9rvlb4 wrote

What's wrong, don't have any actual counterpoint so you have to feign offense to my completely reasonable response?