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godisanelectricolive t1_j9m7qke wrote

The entire Ghost crew are coming back. Sabine, Ezra, Hera, Chopper are reuniting with Ahsoka.


maybe_a_frog t1_j9m85f5 wrote

Oh my god I might fucking cry. Holy shit! It took me a minute to get into Rebels but by the end of it I fucking loved all of those characters. The last 3 or 4 episodes had me bawling. I knew Ezra was coming back but had no clue the whole crew was. I’m so happy 😭😭


CTeam19 t1_j9mo5o8 wrote

> It took me a minute to get into Rebels but by the end of it I fucking loved all of those characters.



Drkarcher22 t1_j9mmdq4 wrote

Well, the entire crew except Kanan.

Unless Freddy Prince Jr wants to force ghost it up.


2th t1_j9n1yjm wrote

Where my boy Zeb at though?


FlyingElvi24 t1_j9o7ie5 wrote

I thought the timeline was after Return of the Jedi..