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djkhan23 t1_j9nrvaz wrote

Didn't know about the cheating stuff

Makes me not want to watch anything from them.


petepro t1_j9o3xn4 wrote

Yeah, what a bummer. Both are my favorite, but it’s weird looking at them now.


Lil_Mcgee t1_j9okkuo wrote

I can definitely separate the art from the artist in a case like this I think.

Certainly lost some personal respect for them but if they're in something I want to see I'm not going to deprive myself


SoulCruizer t1_j9sj9xp wrote

We don’t know exactly what happened and something like this is completely between them so let’s just treat them like people we don’t actually know and not be judgmental. As long as there isn’t any physical/mental/sexual abuse we should all butt out.


djkhan23 t1_j9slj8z wrote

nah fuck cheaters


SoulCruizer t1_j9stsh0 wrote

You must be young or just incredibly unexperienced if you judge complete strangers choices when it comes to their personal relationships. Relationships can be extremely complex and for all you know the relationship could have been ended/ending before the other person came into the picture let alone that Ewan or Mary’s ex’s could have been the problem. Seriously it’s obnoxious and kinda weird to fixate on celebs like this. Who the fuck cares what they do in their personal lives.


djkhan23 t1_j9swg8j wrote

Why are you responding to me and not the dude who outlined how Mary was married since high school and Ewan had 4 kids

I dun care about cheaters have the conversation with someone else


SoulCruizer t1_j9tbup6 wrote

Wtf are you talking about? Why should I care that Mary was married since high school and Ewan had 4 kids. Why the hell is that relevant and why do you care? You’re only confirming what I said prior. stop fixating on celebs personal lives, it’s not healthy.


djkhan23 t1_j9utrt1 wrote

I asked you to take this argument to someone who cares, clearly like you.


SoulCruizer t1_j9vml03 wrote

You very clearly care. Why else would you have even posted lmao.


djkhan23 t1_j9vpdli wrote

So why are you still arguing with me instead of someone else?

Cowardly behavior.

Likely a past cheater.

Here I'll make your argument for you above and let you join in.