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tinoynk t1_j9jl6mp wrote

Little Fargo season 3 reunion.


ethelwulf t1_j9jlny7 wrote

Oh man, didn't know they were doing a series. Bummer, because this would've been a fantastic Wes Anderson movie. Always pictured it like that whilst reading.


Former_Advert t1_j9k28aa wrote

Where are you getting your information that they had an affair? I'm finding some sources that say McGregor and Winstead were pictured together in October 2017, five or six months after him and his ex-wife separated, but I'm not able to find a source for an affair.

So, source?

Edit: Legit being downvoted for asking for a source.


TheWholeOfTheAss t1_j9kl5ff wrote

Winstead is great in everything. After that bathtub scene in Fargo, Ewan probably thought “Okay, you can destroy my life.”


profeDB t1_j9klh9x wrote

Little Jessica Bennett is all growed up.


BreezyBill t1_j9kms3j wrote

Die Hard 6, please. “The Next Generation.”


parapel340 t1_j9kqyad wrote

Homewrecker. 🫠

Edit: They’re both trash.


ArthurBea t1_j9ksh3v wrote

Casting directors are good at chemistry. They intentionally cast actors who work well together, and have a charismatic spark between them.

It’s no wonder so many result in hook ups, even if that’s not intentional.


shockingdevelopment t1_j9l0uw1 wrote

Still feel for the guy she cheated on. They were together since high school, then she met Ewen.


MessiahOfMetal t1_j9l3l7k wrote

They're married?

I thought they'd split up years ago, because he was in all the newspapers dating another woman just before they started filming Birds Of Prey, which I remember pointing out to a friend that they never had a scene together in that film because of it.


jackiebot101 t1_j9l47xr wrote

Ummmm she was the other woman. He got divorced from the mother of his children bc of his affair with her. And now he’s doing Expedia commercials to pay for it. Divorce is expensive, kids. Take a note.


nayapapaya t1_j9ldqq6 wrote

A Gentleman in Moscow is a great book. Surprisingly quite funny!


anasui1 t1_j9lhvhh wrote

so these two gonna do anything together? saccharine overload


TheSaltbird t1_j9lud9c wrote

Yeah, kinda sad case all around unfortunately

>It's not betrayel Olympics anyway.

I didn't say it was lol. Just thought it was odd for someone to openly feel bad about one spouse and not the other, so I was just curious


maybe_a_frog t1_j9m85f5 wrote

Oh my god I might fucking cry. Holy shit! It took me a minute to get into Rebels but by the end of it I fucking loved all of those characters. The last 3 or 4 episodes had me bawling. I knew Ezra was coming back but had no clue the whole crew was. I’m so happy 😭😭


NeoNoireWerewolf t1_j9m8tta wrote

What falls into the genre is a bit in the eyes of the beholder, but here's some I like:



The Nice Guys

Dragged Across Concrete

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang



Shallow Grave (McGregor's first big role!)

One False Move

Blood Simple


Cold in July

The Last Seduction



The Grifters

Deep Cover


ethelwulf t1_j9nlinf wrote

I sort of agree with you, but in this case, this is such a Wes Anderson kind of novel it’s crazy. Always hoped for that adaption but I’ll take whatever they make too because I really enjoyed this.


djkhan23 t1_j9nrvaz wrote

Didn't know about the cheating stuff

Makes me not want to watch anything from them.


Lil_Mcgee t1_j9ojnvc wrote

Obviously this person isn't the most attentive watcher but I can imagine someone knowing who Ewan McGregor is and not recognising him by face.

I would bet there's a significant number of people who only know him from Star Wars and he does look quite different with a shaved face and darker hair.


Lil_Mcgee t1_j9okkuo wrote

I can definitely separate the art from the artist in a case like this I think.

Certainly lost some personal respect for them but if they're in something I want to see I'm not going to deprive myself


namewithak t1_j9p0k8b wrote

I remember a retrospective article on Friday Night Lights after the show wrapped up. In it, the producers/creators talked about how Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton had such amazing chemistry that they were terrified to let them drive down to Texas together on their own (they wanted to do this to bond before the 1st season started shooting) as they were convinced that by the time the two arrived, they'd be in a torrid affair. Fortunately, nothing like that ever happened and Kyle/Connie were really just BFFs that hit it off immediately.


Armins_CopyOf_Swank t1_j9p306r wrote

Remember when Mary Elizabeth Winstead was giving 14 year-olds condescending relationship advice?

She is trashy, and was only hired because she is sleeping with Ewan.


NormanRB t1_j9pjms3 wrote

No, not at all. I was just stating that I only know of Eve from her on that show with Ewan and Charley. Whereas many celebrities today, you know basically their whole life and families from social media. So to know whether she is annoying, overbearing, etc, I don't know. I only know of her from those few episodes she appeared in on the show and we saw her as a bit annoying by inviting herself along.


Martyrslover t1_j9sd48p wrote

I bet you he cheats on her. He is a serial cheater.


SoulCruizer t1_j9sj9xp wrote

We don’t know exactly what happened and something like this is completely between them so let’s just treat them like people we don’t actually know and not be judgmental. As long as there isn’t any physical/mental/sexual abuse we should all butt out.


SoulCruizer t1_j9stsh0 wrote

You must be young or just incredibly unexperienced if you judge complete strangers choices when it comes to their personal relationships. Relationships can be extremely complex and for all you know the relationship could have been ended/ending before the other person came into the picture let alone that Ewan or Mary’s ex’s could have been the problem. Seriously it’s obnoxious and kinda weird to fixate on celebs like this. Who the fuck cares what they do in their personal lives.


djkhan23 t1_j9swg8j wrote

Why are you responding to me and not the dude who outlined how Mary was married since high school and Ewan had 4 kids

I dun care about cheaters have the conversation with someone else


SoulCruizer t1_j9tbup6 wrote

Wtf are you talking about? Why should I care that Mary was married since high school and Ewan had 4 kids. Why the hell is that relevant and why do you care? You’re only confirming what I said prior. stop fixating on celebs personal lives, it’s not healthy.


djkhan23 t1_j9vph98 wrote

"We don’t know exactly what happened and something like this is completely between them so let’s just treat them like people we don’t actually know and not be judgmental. As long as there isn’t any physical/mental/sexual abuse we should all butt out."