EphraimJenkins t1_j9jlmq0 wrote
This will lead to them breaking up, I bet.
ethelwulf t1_j9jlny7 wrote
Oh man, didn't know they were doing a series. Bummer, because this would've been a fantastic Wes Anderson movie. Always pictured it like that whilst reading.
MagicBandAid t1_j9jn92a wrote
I was thinking of Birds of Prey.
[deleted] t1_j9joabn wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ju6p9 wrote
Spartacus1199 t1_j9jwto1 wrote
Solid workhorse actress.
Owasso_Landman t1_j9jxemq wrote
They are married
[deleted] t1_j9jxm38 wrote
Can't cheat on your spouse when your spouse is on set with you
warrenmax12 t1_j9jyuhw wrote
30 mil? More like twice that at least
tinoynk t1_j9jzkm7 wrote
Oh damn I actually had no idea. Between that and Kirsten Dunst/Jesse Plemons it seems like Fargo is quite the matchmaker of a TV show.
[deleted] t1_j9jzkxf wrote
JDSollie t1_j9jznpn wrote
That hasn’t stopped some people (Peter Bogdanovich, for instance).
AFlockOfTySegalls t1_j9jzuz8 wrote
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
rabid_J t1_j9k0ja3 wrote
Probably not a welcome one to his first wife.
Owasso_Landman t1_j9k0m5u wrote
Or his 4 kids
Former_Advert t1_j9k103t wrote
Why would it not be welcome one for his four kids?
Owasso_Landman t1_j9k1gce wrote
They probably didn’t enjoy their father having an affair and ending a 20 year marriage with their mother.
Former_Advert t1_j9k28aa wrote
Where are you getting your information that they had an affair? I'm finding some sources that say McGregor and Winstead were pictured together in October 2017, five or six months after him and his ex-wife separated, but I'm not able to find a source for an affair.
So, source?
Edit: Legit being downvoted for asking for a source.
Owasso_Landman t1_j9k2s7h wrote
When pictures appeared of married Ewan McGregor kissing his Fargo co-star Mary Elizabeth Winstead in 2017, his daughter Clara branded her a 'piece of trash', adding, for good measure, that her father was an 'a***hole'.
[deleted] t1_j9k31qu wrote
[deleted] t1_j9k3bbe wrote
[deleted] t1_j9k3v9j wrote
bUrNtKoOlAiD t1_j9k4g6q wrote
Hot new step-mom though! /s
[deleted] t1_j9k4tjx wrote
[deleted] t1_j9k5nbl wrote
[deleted] t1_j9k66xi wrote
NeoNoireWerewolf t1_j9k77nu wrote
Uh, the McGregor-Winstead hook up on Fargo also resulted in both of them ruining their long-term marriages. McGregor’s wife of 25 years left him after finding out about the affair.
tinoynk t1_j9k8ltt wrote
Oof well that's a rough one. Still, a match is a match,
Deducticon t1_j9k9sxx wrote
Ruining the outside appearance of their marriages you mean.
KekeBl t1_j9kajjj wrote
JuiceKovacs t1_j9kcg3w wrote
She really is. Her and Zoe Kazan are two greats actors that don’t get their deserved credit
Neon_Ramen_Sign t1_j9kcoa6 wrote
Almost everything is better as a series
A_Nice_Gentleman_ t1_j9kdfat wrote
God, I love her. She is so f'n hot.
Great ass too.
[deleted] t1_j9kdrda wrote
[deleted] t1_j9kdw4p wrote
[deleted] t1_j9kdyws wrote
NaturalizedWerewolf t1_j9ke0kn wrote
I see what you did there. I got chu! r/prequelmemes
A_Nice_Gentleman_ t1_j9kf5gw wrote
Who cares. She's hot.
jonhammsjonhamm t1_j9kf6p0 wrote
You’ve posted this three times, get the fuck over it Boris jfc
MonstersGrin t1_j9kfgd5 wrote
I loved her in Braindead. Too bad they cancelled that show. It stood out. They even managed to make previous episode recaps funny.
[deleted] t1_j9kfkug wrote
[deleted] t1_j9kfpl4 wrote
arthurdentstowels t1_j9kiasn wrote
She was my childhood crush and now she is my adulthood crush.
Funmachine t1_j9kikth wrote
Considering his kids and her husband's reaction to their coupling it very much ruined the actual marriages too.
TheWholeOfTheAss t1_j9kl5ff wrote
Winstead is great in everything. After that bathtub scene in Fargo, Ewan probably thought “Okay, you can destroy my life.”
profeDB t1_j9klh9x wrote
Little Jessica Bennett is all growed up.
Fryceratops t1_j9km3jt wrote
Was that before or after he got Winstead pregnant?
mdeeemer t1_j9kmfy6 wrote
Username does not check out.
A_Nice_Gentleman_ t1_j9kmptm wrote
What do you mean? Complements are nice.
BreezyBill t1_j9kms3j wrote
Die Hard 6, please. “The Next Generation.”
itinerantmarshmallow t1_j9kolxb wrote
The same article mentions that the daughter, basically, got over it.
It will always be raw at the time.
Deducticon t1_j9koro3 wrote
The kids are outsiders. And he is an outsider to one of the marriages.
[deleted] t1_j9kp4gn wrote
parapel340 t1_j9kqyad wrote
Homewrecker. 🫠
Edit: They’re both trash.
parapel340 t1_j9ks237 wrote
Lol you’ve definitely cheated on someone before.
ArthurBea t1_j9ksh3v wrote
Casting directors are good at chemistry. They intentionally cast actors who work well together, and have a charismatic spark between them.
It’s no wonder so many result in hook ups, even if that’s not intentional.
godisanelectricolive t1_j9kspgi wrote
They worked together in Birds of Prey too.
mickeyflinn t1_j9kuxp3 wrote
She is awesome.
tinoynk t1_j9ky19d wrote
I haven't, just saying that my original point about Fargo being a matchmaker still stands.
nyan_swanson t1_j9kyd2s wrote
Yeah Winstead’s exhusband made a semi autobiographical movie afterward about how he compartmentalized his rage into martial arts to avoid going down a bad path after that happened
[deleted] t1_j9kzyv4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9l072w wrote
shockingdevelopment t1_j9l0uw1 wrote
Still feel for the guy she cheated on. They were together since high school, then she met Ewen.
MessiahOfMetal t1_j9l3l7k wrote
They're married?
I thought they'd split up years ago, because he was in all the newspapers dating another woman just before they started filming Birds Of Prey, which I remember pointing out to a friend that they never had a scene together in that film because of it.
jackiebot101 t1_j9l47xr wrote
Ummmm she was the other woman. He got divorced from the mother of his children bc of his affair with her. And now he’s doing Expedia commercials to pay for it. Divorce is expensive, kids. Take a note.
johngie t1_j9l5xqa wrote
TIL she was married to Riley Stearns. The Art of Self Defense was hilarious. Didn't know about his backstory.
TheBoyWonder13 t1_j9l62sx wrote
Hanguarde t1_j9l83td wrote
> Casting directors are good at chemistry.
Well except for whoever the casting director for You People was.
godisanelectricolive t1_j9l926r wrote
That's not true though, the movie was in development and he was already very into martial arts before their divorce. She was supposed to be in the movie before they split.
IsRude t1_j9lb4sr wrote
Holy shit, this makes me appreciate this movie even more.
ScandalousBanshee t1_j9lcrlw wrote
Ditto Ewan’s ex-wife, Eve. They’d been together for decades and have 4 kids together.
nayapapaya t1_j9ldqq6 wrote
A Gentleman in Moscow is a great book. Surprisingly quite funny!
Corat_McRed t1_j9lfmdq wrote
That has got to be extremely awkward to read the news, from the ex's/one of 4 childrens perspective atleast
TheSaltbird t1_j9lhukm wrote
What about Ewan's wife of 25 years and mother of his children?
anasui1 t1_j9lhvhh wrote
so these two gonna do anything together? saccharine overload
shockingdevelopment t1_j9lia6x wrote
I'm not familiar with his ex. It's not betrayel Olympics anyway.
Molnek t1_j9limho wrote
I mean he got to troll George Lucas about sand in those commercials so he has to be having some fun.
Amirax t1_j9lkw87 wrote
> Winstead is great in everything.
I bet she wouldn't be a great backup singer on a conceptual sci-fi space opera rap album by legendary rapper del the funky homosapien!
mayateg t1_j9lq6xr wrote
Holy shit! I had no idea that's Ewan McGregor, much less that it was him playing both. My mind is blown.
BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j9lqzow wrote
Yeah, and for a brief period of time, she was supposed to be in the Obi-Wan show too. I think they might actually love working together. Good for them!
BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j9lrags wrote
Wait, are you saying that she is good in that, or she isn't?
Amirax t1_j9lrxl4 wrote
That she is, mate. Deltron3030 is an incredible album and she's great on it.
BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j9ls45j wrote
I agree. She is very good on it. That's the second Deltron3030 album though isn't it? Event 2?
godisanelectricolive t1_j9lsfza wrote
She's in Ahsoka playing Hera Syndulla so she's still in the Star wars universe.
[deleted] t1_j9lsgil wrote
TheSaltbird t1_j9lud9c wrote
Yeah, kinda sad case all around unfortunately
>It's not betrayel Olympics anyway.
I didn't say it was lol. Just thought it was odd for someone to openly feel bad about one spouse and not the other, so I was just curious
Firestorm238 t1_j9lvizt wrote
Ahhhhh, I get it now
PetyrDayne t1_j9lw520 wrote
How the fuck old is McGregor!?
BS16tillIdie t1_j9m08ty wrote
Did his face not give it away? Or his name coming up at the beginning and end of every episode?
raginwriter t1_j9m177r wrote
She was in the cult movie I believe. His first film. Thinking about both are kind of culty
[deleted] t1_j9m2owe wrote
Fargo reunion
NeoNoireWerewolf t1_j9m41ey wrote
jamesbrownscrackpipe t1_j9m4qmf wrote
“Well hello there”
maybe_a_frog t1_j9m5rrm wrote
PetyrDayne t1_j9m62ic wrote
Hope I look that good at that age. Random but going by your username what neo noir movies do you recommend
Deferential_dreams t1_j9m6qfx wrote
Or the people who cast the leads in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. That might be the worst casting I’ve seen in any project.
godisanelectricolive t1_j9m7qke wrote
The entire Ghost crew are coming back. Sabine, Ezra, Hera, Chopper are reuniting with Ahsoka.
maybe_a_frog t1_j9m85f5 wrote
Oh my god I might fucking cry. Holy shit! It took me a minute to get into Rebels but by the end of it I fucking loved all of those characters. The last 3 or 4 episodes had me bawling. I knew Ezra was coming back but had no clue the whole crew was. I’m so happy 😭😭
NeoNoireWerewolf t1_j9m8tta wrote
What falls into the genre is a bit in the eyes of the beholder, but here's some I like:
The Nice Guys
Dragged Across Concrete
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Shallow Grave (McGregor's first big role!)
One False Move
Blood Simple
Cold in July
The Last Seduction
The Grifters
Deep Cover
PetyrDayne t1_j9m9v0w wrote
Just saw Brick yesterday, so good !! Thanks so much, I'll start with Shallow Grave, looks good and apropos
WilliamEmmerson t1_j9ma2fu wrote
She doesn't like him to get out of her sight
WilliamEmmerson t1_j9mabwy wrote
>And now he’s doing Expedia commercials to pay for it.
and comic con type conventions. He was at one I went too last summer in Boston. Like $300 for a picture with him if I remember correctly.
fatbob42 t1_j9mekla wrote
Deepfake Bruce Willis will be a better actor than all of his recent movies.
ymcameron t1_j9mmctn wrote
They worked together a little too well in Fargo
Drkarcher22 t1_j9mmdq4 wrote
Well, the entire crew except Kanan.
Unless Freddy Prince Jr wants to force ghost it up.
CTeam19 t1_j9mo5o8 wrote
> It took me a minute to get into Rebels but by the end of it I fucking loved all of those characters.
WillPill_ t1_j9mx6u6 wrote
I loved her performance in the indie film Smashed. She really knocked it out of the park especially with her AA intro scene.
Mayor_of_BBQ t1_j9myrht wrote
they met on set and played together
Mayor_of_BBQ t1_j9myy7m wrote
if you saw their relationship dynamic from ‘long way down’ (or was it around?) it makes a lot of sense
2th t1_j9n1yjm wrote
Where my boy Zeb at though?
EsquilaxM t1_j9n22cj wrote
The Assassination of a High School President is a fun neo noir comedy, too.
ethelwulf t1_j9nlinf wrote
I sort of agree with you, but in this case, this is such a Wes Anderson kind of novel it’s crazy. Always hoped for that adaption but I’ll take whatever they make too because I really enjoyed this.
Neon_Ramen_Sign t1_j9nnj4v wrote
I did say “almost”
FangornOthersCallMe t1_j9nnr62 wrote
Ewen’s daughter has voiced her opinion on MEW in the past lol
MustardTiger1337 t1_j9nqhh2 wrote
What about making tea for Scott Pilgrim?
[deleted] t1_j9nrns3 wrote
djkhan23 t1_j9nrvaz wrote
Didn't know about the cheating stuff
Makes me not want to watch anything from them.
[deleted] t1_j9nsyh3 wrote
MaskedBandit77 t1_j9nwcy5 wrote
Wasn't that before they left their SO's and presumably when their relationship started?
FNLN_taken t1_j9nx81y wrote
There's going to be a character called Her-ass-in-dull-a ?
MadeByTango t1_j9nzp96 wrote
Weird how y’all attack one but not the other...
petepro t1_j9o3xn4 wrote
Yeah, what a bummer. Both are my favorite, but it’s weird looking at them now.
A1pinejoe t1_j9o4zji wrote
Always found her kinda hot.
ntsmmns06 t1_j9o588g wrote
Excellent book. Glad they are making it a series and not a film. Shantaram and The Goldfinch should have been series also. Too much story to fit into a film.
BigfootsBestBud t1_j9o5a34 wrote
Well good news, she loves cheating on her spouses so you have a shot
FlyingElvi24 t1_j9o7ie5 wrote
I thought the timeline was after Return of the Jedi..
[deleted] t1_j9of4zh wrote
theodo t1_j9ofvw2 wrote
MEW was recast with Imogen Poots for this movie.
theodo t1_j9ofxf6 wrote
MEW was initially cast in The Art of Self Defense so how could it be about their breakup?
Lil_Mcgee t1_j9oiytb wrote
> Not defending Ewan's cheating in any way, though.
Fair enough but it's a slightly weird anecdote given the context of the conversation.
Lil_Mcgee t1_j9ojnvc wrote
Obviously this person isn't the most attentive watcher but I can imagine someone knowing who Ewan McGregor is and not recognising him by face.
I would bet there's a significant number of people who only know him from Star Wars and he does look quite different with a shaved face and darker hair.
Great_Zarquon t1_j9okiv5 wrote
I bet he doesn't give a shit about sand memes nor did he care what Lucas thought about an Expedia commercial
Lil_Mcgee t1_j9okkuo wrote
I can definitely separate the art from the artist in a case like this I think.
Certainly lost some personal respect for them but if they're in something I want to see I'm not going to deprive myself
BS16tillIdie t1_j9oleys wrote
It’s people like that who make me think Clark Kent could maybe getaway with a double life.
nayapapaya t1_j9omtx3 wrote
Right? Like "cheating is bad but his ex-wife was kind of annoying anyway". Quoi?
Brainwheeze t1_j9os5dj wrote
She knows he's capable of cheating (as is she).
DesperateSwordfish88 t1_j9oz36e wrote
Nepo wife
namewithak t1_j9p0k8b wrote
I remember a retrospective article on Friday Night Lights after the show wrapped up. In it, the producers/creators talked about how Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton had such amazing chemistry that they were terrified to let them drive down to Texas together on their own (they wanted to do this to bond before the 1st season started shooting) as they were convinced that by the time the two arrived, they'd be in a torrid affair. Fortunately, nothing like that ever happened and Kyle/Connie were really just BFFs that hit it off immediately.
Armins_CopyOf_Swank t1_j9p306r wrote
Remember when Mary Elizabeth Winstead was giving 14 year-olds condescending relationship advice?
She is trashy, and was only hired because she is sleeping with Ewan.
No-Nothing-1793 t1_j9p50zf wrote
[deleted] t1_j9pj75o wrote
NormanRB t1_j9pjms3 wrote
No, not at all. I was just stating that I only know of Eve from her on that show with Ewan and Charley. Whereas many celebrities today, you know basically their whole life and families from social media. So to know whether she is annoying, overbearing, etc, I don't know. I only know of her from those few episodes she appeared in on the show and we saw her as a bit annoying by inviting herself along.
Martyrslover t1_j9sd48p wrote
I bet you he cheats on her. He is a serial cheater.
SoulCruizer t1_j9sj9xp wrote
We don’t know exactly what happened and something like this is completely between them so let’s just treat them like people we don’t actually know and not be judgmental. As long as there isn’t any physical/mental/sexual abuse we should all butt out.
djkhan23 t1_j9slj8z wrote
nah fuck cheaters
SoulCruizer t1_j9stsh0 wrote
You must be young or just incredibly unexperienced if you judge complete strangers choices when it comes to their personal relationships. Relationships can be extremely complex and for all you know the relationship could have been ended/ending before the other person came into the picture let alone that Ewan or Mary’s ex’s could have been the problem. Seriously it’s obnoxious and kinda weird to fixate on celebs like this. Who the fuck cares what they do in their personal lives.
djkhan23 t1_j9swg8j wrote
Why are you responding to me and not the dude who outlined how Mary was married since high school and Ewan had 4 kids
I dun care about cheaters have the conversation with someone else
SoulCruizer t1_j9tbup6 wrote
Wtf are you talking about? Why should I care that Mary was married since high school and Ewan had 4 kids. Why the hell is that relevant and why do you care? You’re only confirming what I said prior. stop fixating on celebs personal lives, it’s not healthy.
djkhan23 t1_j9utrt1 wrote
I asked you to take this argument to someone who cares, clearly like you.
SoulCruizer t1_j9vml03 wrote
You very clearly care. Why else would you have even posted lmao.
djkhan23 t1_j9vpdli wrote
So why are you still arguing with me instead of someone else?
Cowardly behavior.
Likely a past cheater.
Here I'll make your argument for you above and let you join in.
djkhan23 t1_j9vph98 wrote
"We don’t know exactly what happened and something like this is completely between them so let’s just treat them like people we don’t actually know and not be judgmental. As long as there isn’t any physical/mental/sexual abuse we should all butt out."
[deleted] t1_j9vr3la wrote
[deleted] t1_ja3zzpe wrote
mikeweasy t1_ja4vyko wrote
I didnt know she was with him since high school, damn. Poor guy.
shockingdevelopment t1_ja503ij wrote
Can't imagine losing Ramona Flowers.
mikeweasy t1_ja51pkc wrote
Honestly I got a huge crush on her after seeing Scott Pilgrim and found out she was engaged to Riley at the time I thought "probably the luckiest man ever" now I think "well he is the unluckiest guy ever now".
tinoynk t1_j9jl6mp wrote
Little Fargo season 3 reunion.