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Pleasant_Choice_6130 OP t1_ja1o1tg wrote

Completely agree with your assessment of "Midnight Mass;" loved that show

Heard mixed things about "Midnight Club," apparently it's from YA fiction & aimed at teens but sometimes that works out ok, guess will have to check out to see for self


keving87 t1_ja29z7l wrote

Don't bother with Midnight Club, it got cancelled... and it wasn't all that great to still warrant a watch. The YA stuff didn't bother me, it was more that the actual show's plot took a backseat to the stories the group would tell. Sure, the stories are meant to be used as a way to work out their issues, but it shouldn't have overshadowed the actual show itself. Though it was cool that some of the stories they told were small adaptations of some of Christopher Pike's other novels.

Flanagan seems to work best with a confined story, instead of trying to stretch it out just in case it gets another season.


AKAkorm t1_ja6b1a6 wrote

FWIW Mike Flanagan did give all of the details of where the show would have gone had it gotten renewed so viewers weren't left hanging forever.


Scienscatologist t1_ja3j95l wrote

Just checked it out. It's definitely teen-oriented, so not really my thing.