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dolphin37 t1_jae4cyc wrote

Because GoT had all kinds of drama, shocking moments, can you believe what happened type stuff. It’s also not high fantasy but w/e

This is LoTR we are talking about. The most well known fantasy of all time, that birthed the most commonly used tropes in fantasy. Black and white, good and evil fantasy. What is there to talk about? Oh did you see how cool the elves looked? The only conversation points were who was X character really because the show runners set up an awful mystery box format. It was actually the worst aspect of the show and the only people who gave a shit were people knees deep in the lore anyway, who don’t spend a lot of time around water coolers.

A couple of my friends and I are big LoTR fanboys and we had barely anything to talk about other than ‘is this show good?’. It’s an ok show but you watch it to be immersed not to make conversation