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Maninhartsford t1_j9rsdnc wrote

Same goes with LOST. You could be talking about a prop in season 2 and someone will bring up purgatory. But yeah it's absurd. "Horror writer writes disturbing scene" is NOT EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING


TatteredCarcosa t1_j9s28yi wrote

Even though Purgatory is not what the ending was about...


Maninhartsford t1_j9s9gqe wrote

Yes, you're right, of course, but that's what people always want to talk about. It's an irritatingly persistent rumor, and remarkable how much nobody remembers the character explicitly saying the island was real.


05110909 t1_j9tvej6 wrote

I'm pretty confident that most of the people who say that have never actually watched the show. Because I refuse to believe someone could be dumb enough to believe it when an important character virtually looks directly into the camera to say "Everything that happened on the Island really happened."


ringobob t1_j9u0yor wrote

Well, sorta - the writers confused the issue by making purgatory relevant to the last season when it wasn't before. Had they not done that, a lot fewer people would be confused.


TatteredCarcosa t1_j9udnpu wrote

Eh, if you have watched 6 seasons of a show and you can't be bothered to actually pay attention to the dialog in the last episode that is on you.