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smesch83 t1_j7sypyl wrote

as a fan of teen dramas, I want to say that this was really, really comnon in the 90s already (and to some extent in the 80s too, in shows like "The Wonder Years").

but yes: by the mid-200s, shows like "One Tree Hill" often had three or four of these music scenes/montages per episodes. "Grey's Anatomy" and "Scrubs" (as more of a parody) did it a lot, too.

also, I haven't seen much "Baywatch" (lol), but I caught two or three episodes in the mid-90s where there were one or two complete songs (a sad ballad about forgetting while a character with Alzheimer's got lost on the way to the beach etc.) per episode.


44problems t1_j7t0bie wrote

I remember the WB shows like Dawson's Creek telling you what albums each song came from.


catclockticking t1_j7te0hp wrote

The “Grey’s Anatomy” to “Vh1 You Oughta Know Artist” pipeline (or was it the other way around?) was really flowing for a couple of years there


Terribalgamer t1_j7ttsap wrote

Buffy did that in the early seasons at the Bronz. Smallville had a few episodes each season with a musical tie in


smesch83 t1_j7ty4ln wrote

yes - I don't know the OP and I don't want to sound salty, but "The West Wing" and "Rick and Morty" are so normal on Reddit and it felt important to say "This was not perfected by [typical Reddit show] and then subverted by [typical Reddit show] because everything important happened on these shows."