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Saar13 t1_jc8hw7w wrote

MLS turned out to be visionary in abandoning RSNs.


muldoons_hat t1_jc8ped7 wrote

MLS Season Pass has truly been an amazing thing.


MichaelTruly t1_jc97u7m wrote

It’s incredible being able to choose to have the local radio broadcast of the game along with it chef’s kiss


Binaural1 t1_jc9jek3 wrote

This is brilliant! I hope in future seasons you can choose home or away team radio broadcast so you can always listen to your local radio broadcast call the game. Still, a great feature to start with!


[deleted] t1_jc95zjc wrote

God I’d legit pay $300 a season for the exact same NBA coverage that the MLS plan has.

No blackouts. All teams all games, AND PLAYIFFS


AttitudeOpening5667 t1_jca5lt0 wrote

Something completely obvious to any sports fan isn't visionary. I'm shocked the NBA hadn't done it. It was on their surveys 5 years ago.


KiritoJones t1_jcb5mmi wrote

The problem is the NBA got paided a fuckton the last time they sold the tv license. They are gonna work to repeat that again with the rights being up in the next couple of years.

It's crazy to say but maybe Apple or Amazon will swoop in and save us from blackouts. I canceled my League Pass last month because it's annoying that I can't watch my home team and I remembered that it's useless during the playoffs.


NaBUru38 t1_jcah6he wrote

I'm pretty sure that MLS draws flies to its streams.


WeDriftEternal t1_jc8pzx8 wrote

No one is watching MLS so, it didn't really matter for them did it? Viewership is basically zero and selling ads against it is zero. In 10 years the Apple deal may make sense, but thats a long time away
