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laughland t1_jdvmj8m wrote

Lost is one of the 3 most influential TV shows along with The Sopranos and The Office so I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I don’t think The Sopranos has a much stronger foothold in actual pop culture than Lost, I don’t see significantly more Sopranos discussion than Lost, and depending on what you watch, I would say Lost is even MORE discussed. Does any reviewer talk about Yellowjackets without referencing Lost?


just_a_funguy t1_je8vyqn wrote

3 most influential???!!! Hahahaha no. It's was revolutionary but definitely not top 3. Same thing for the office! I would put GOT above both this shows in influential! Every tv studio have been trying to recreate that magic.


laughland t1_je9uj9w wrote

No one would touch a massive genre project like Game of Thrones if it wasn’t for Lost


just_a_funguy t1_je9yqjl wrote

Lol what! There are many shows that owe their existence to lost but GOT is not one of them. LOTR and Rome are probably more the reason a show like GOT was able to be made


laughland t1_jea3m1v wrote

I’m not saying Lost is the primary influence on the content of GoT, I’m saying Lost proved that it was feasible to make a big budget genre show on TV. Yes, Rome existed, but it also got cancelled for being way too expensive. Lost actually ran for multiple seasons and kept a pretty huge following. That’s the difference. LOTR isn’t a TV show so not sure what to say there