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Created_By_InGen t1_je64ypa wrote

Why’s it considered offensive?


karivara t1_je67pk0 wrote

jokes about gay people, transgender people, fat people. Phoebe's brother has a relationship with and marries his high school teacher. Ross as a college professor has a relationship with his student.


AgentOfSPYRAL t1_je69q7p wrote

> Ross as a college professor has a relationship with his student.

You mean it’s not just frowned upon?


IngloriousBlaster t1_je6ahbe wrote

I seem to remember the characters in-universe being fairly cool with it, the only gripe being that Ross was dating someone not named Rachel


AgentOfSPYRAL t1_je6bpcz wrote

Ha I’m quoting Ross after a colleague sees them at the coffee shop and immediately says “You are so fired!”


Chataboutgames t1_je6kzi5 wrote

They made fun of him. It was less "this is unethical" and more "what a dweeb, dating a child."


Scott2700 t1_je6wtal wrote

“I too am a love machine… huh💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼”


mugenhunt t1_je66aoz wrote

There's some gay jokes that haven't aged well.


forman98 t1_je67ejx wrote

Lol, this could be said about almost any sitcom from the past 50 years.


YeahWTF20 t1_je6bbts wrote

Oh god, Will and Grace.

Jack couldn't stand lesbians and made jokes about them in every other episode that in hindsight were hugely offensive.


AsAGayJewishDemocrat t1_je6r0vw wrote

Which is what makes it such an accurate show — there are gay people who say awful things.


SaluteYourChase t1_je7vkcg wrote

Honestly I think the vast majority of those who dont like it just finds it boring. I won't say nobody finds it offensive or that there isn't stuff that is offensive about it, but I think the vast majority doesn't just doesn't like it.

I think what the issue is that on social media everyone's comments can be elevated. 1 person is offended and there's 10,000 telling them how dumb they are. Then 50 articles are written about how it's a controversy and cancel culture and bullshit, and that spawns more debate and people calling it stupid. If that happened in the 90s, you just ignored the guy ranting and that was the end. If a big enough group came together like the parent television council, it would gain some media attention, but not even close to what we get now when 1 person complains online

Plus I'll add that it's so easy to blow it out of proportion too. Criticizing the show with a modern lens can be useful to identify what things have changed and maybe what things will change for the future. Saying the trans jokes for example are bad doesn't mean the show is being "cancelled" it just means it isn't a thing that should continue. But you take someone who doesn't understand that nuance or doesn't want to, and they can strip it away and argue against it like people are protesting outside the WBD headquarters demanding for it to be removed and the masters deleted


wednesdayware t1_je88rwn wrote

Because these days, even comedies aren’t allowed to have plot lines that aren’t approved by the guardians of “correct”.

In the 80’s, the Right were the guardians of Politically Correct. Now it’s the Left’s turn. The more things change…


rolandjack77 t1_je6hw4c wrote

Because kids today are indoctrinated morons.


Chataboutgames t1_je6l36q wrote

Not like our generation, we were indoctrinated in a slightly different way, which was cool


rolandjack77 t1_je6n3cx wrote

Not really, I've always thought for myself. I never followed common thinking. Just my own views.


annihilate-now t1_jea4srk wrote

Really? Most of your posts are in the Marvel subreddit.

You’re definitely a free-thinker, maybe even an original?