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mscott8088 t1_jdeif64 wrote

I liked it. Isn't that the last episode anyways?


kageroshajima t1_jdejkbh wrote

Me too. Liked it up until this season and couldn't get through 1 episode


MeronDC t1_jdeo9j3 wrote

I liked the ending just not that cliffhanger of the girl surviving


ozgun1414 t1_jdeqwjz wrote

i started watching as a hatewatch series. then first half wasnt that bad but big twist was s obvious. second half after they solve the big mystery it got boring. it fastforwarded it to finish it. i dont recommend it.

so if you didnt like first half, second half was worse for me.


mr_math24 t1_jdeu0tw wrote

Big shift in episode 7, stick with it a little longer.


Uncertn_Laaife t1_jdezkn7 wrote

Yes, I got bored too before it picked up in the episode 6 onwards.


KlaatuBrute t1_jdf0qt8 wrote

You is an interesting phenomenon because IMO it has been getting objectively worse each season, but somehow I can't stop watching it. Like, first season I gave into the buzz and was absolutely hooked, binged it in a day. Each subsequent season I've enjoyed less but still get through it within a day or two of its release. This last season I mostly just had it on in the background while doing other things. It's like a porno—you could probably watch just a few minutes from each episode and still understand the overarching story.


bigfuture22 t1_jdf3ael wrote

i watched first half, strained to get through every episode, gave up

A complete DUD

first 3 seasons offered some thrills n fun times ;)


trubs12 t1_jdfjas9 wrote

Season4 part1 was kinda boring. I was having problems getting through it too.But part2 is good! So you better keep watching it.

There are so many unlikable characters in S4 though


Meccadawn18 t1_jdfy0m0 wrote

I had a hard time getting through season 3 Wilhite is why I haven't started season 4.


ostrich9 t1_jdgfzll wrote

I wanted to love season 4, but the 1st half was a slog to sit through. Joe just kept falling into these situations that felt dumb and I lost interest in all of the other characters. Part 2 didn't start great and so far isn't getting better as I go.


ozgun1414 t1_jdgkdl5 wrote

yeah but i loved love. she was chaotic enough. i really wanted her to be the endgame for joe cause they deserve eachother. they shouldve died together in the last season finale. it wouldve been poetic.

i really unrealisticly hopefully was waiting for her to show up for revenge and kill joe. it would make more sense and that should tell others how absurd it got explained.


BecoDasCavernas t1_jdgo3oj wrote

I thought the first three episodes were kinda boring but really like how part 1 ended. Then watched the first three episodes of part 2, hated what they did with the murderer and with the two characters who weren't really important in p1, so now I'm struggling to finish it.


BlueTeamRuless t1_jdgpl2y wrote

You mean >!it doesn’t makes sense that a character can see someone with a bag of take out and think “he’s definitely up to something shady” or being able to find the location of that restaurant from said photo!<?? God that really threw me


Sally-O-Malley t1_jdh2zsw wrote

I renewed my sub to Netflix to watch it. Turned to my husband 20 minutes in and said I didn’t think I could handle listening to the inner dialogue of a serial killer anymore. It was just ick.


Kingofthegnome t1_jdh7emo wrote

I kind of loved it. I was getting sick of the "this season I met the perfect girl" b.s. I like this switch up to a mystery. Not as a good as season1 but idk how they could keep doing the same thing.


Worldly_Albatross_57 t1_jdhg94l wrote

That's simplifying it. There were a string of high profile murders and she found out that an extremely shady guy she knew just happened to be present for all of them. If anything she was the antithesis to a problem throughout the rest of the show - "how the fuck does nobody know Joe is a serial killer?"


kirby2000 t1_jdup4zc wrote

I felt like the horrible people in the first few seasons were although cartoonish, still recognizable as people you could meet. I'm from the UK, my sister graduated from Oxford and I don't think I've met anyone even remotely like the cast displayed here.

I love Charlotte Richie in Ghosts and Taskmaster, but she is awful here.


pinksinthehouse t1_je2oy6k wrote

I watched it at 1.5x the speed and very happily scrolled on my phone to get through the boring scenes.