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79215185-1feb-44c6 t1_jaowz17 wrote

I enjoyed Dark Matter as well. Both shows have a very similar level of campiness, but I'm not at all surprised because both came from Ex-Stargate producers, and was also a fan of Helix even before that (Also a fan of RDM).

Modern shows have way too much focus on being serious, this is just lighthearted fun.


opiate_lifer OP t1_jaoxoif wrote

I think the reason why Dark Matter worked for me while The Ark doesn't is the premise. Ark has a premise that sounds dead serious, so the fact its not taken seriously is just kind of annoying. Where DM the premise was inherently pulpy and goofy if that makes sense?

Like if its campy and corny they need to stop the "we have 48 hours until we all die" plots every episode.


79215185-1feb-44c6 t1_jaozmwq wrote

Watch the latest episode and you will see that its premise is absolutely comical >!They are basically creating a tech cult similar to what people have done to Elon Musk in recent years!<


opiate_lifer OP t1_jap5ngr wrote

Ah lol I will check it out.

Then this was a problem with marketing and the trailer, which made this look like a gritty survival story.