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Amazing-Scallion7162 OP t1_jbwo0d2 wrote

So I guess based off this week’s guest and band this is supposed to be targeted towards a younger female audience but I can’t imagine being in highschool and thinking this dated ass garbage is cool. Oh well, at least the machines seem to enjoy it.


kazh t1_jbygsuz wrote



Amazing-Scallion7162 OP t1_jbz1qm6 wrote

Bots, ai, shills, call them what you like


kazh t1_jbz360r wrote

The only sound bites I hear consistently, like SNL hasn't been funny in years, are negative though.


Amazing-Scallion7162 OP t1_jbz5tva wrote


kazh t1_jbzv5jh wrote

You have one comment that was copied from an original user later for karma. In that same thread you linked to, other posters gave examples of bot sound bites that actually do get used consistently in nearly every thread about this show. You mostly just strengthened any argument against yourself.


Amazing-Scallion7162 OP t1_jbzw1du wrote

6 out of 15 in the current top level comments from the r/videos thread are copy/paste bots. One of those 15 comments is mine and another is someone who copy/pasted their own comment from r/television providing a mirror link. So basically 1 in 2 every top level comment is a bot.


tolerantlychaotic t1_jc213tr wrote

Real person here. I liked the episode, especially the "Waffle House" skit. Of course it ebbs and flows, but I think SNL has been hitting its stride as of late.