Submitted by The_Bearded_Jedi t3_11xi2yc in television

I have tried watching The Expanse a few different times, and have never stuck with the show after a few episodes. I think some if it was the politics portions, but giving it another honest try! What are some things you like about this show?



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55Branflakes t1_jd32ukb wrote

I love Sci-Fi but stopped after ep 1 of the Expanse. Too dull and dry. I know people have said it gets better, but to me, they should have done a better job in the beginning then.


american_dimes t1_jd33evo wrote

It's a fantastic show. The first three episodes do a lot of setup and worldbuilding. Episode four "CQB" really takes off. You should stick with it.


__War_Eagle__ t1_jd34hhl wrote

I watched the first two seasons and gave up. I never saw this great show people were talking about.


gogorath t1_jd34noo wrote

The books are great.

The show never got the feel right, and I watched all six seasons. Some of it is simple — the color is terrible, overdone and depressing. The pacing is slow for a series that really isn’t. The characters are made less likely to bee more gritty and dramatic rather than letting the plot create the drama.

Instead of just making the books well, they tried really hard to make it prestige tv like it was Breaking Bad or Mad Men. And it’s not.


badnewsgoonies t1_jd34pkn wrote

I mean I agree when I started watching the first few episodes I was hesitant to keep going, mostly due to the actors seeming uncomfortable/unfit for their roles (especially Holden) and I was worried it might not have the budget and would appear to cheap.

It took about 5 episodes or so but there’s a point where you realize what these are the exact perfect actors for every character literally perfect.

And story/production wise everything is a build up and there’s pieces to the puzzle being built slowly that it’s exceeding more satisfying after every episode, when it reaches the end of a story line you feel really rewarded in what you are watching


trollin2023 t1_jd35c60 wrote

Awesome show! And yes- it can get a little too "soapy" from time to time- but damn, do I miss it!


mickeyflinn t1_jd37yuz wrote

The second half of the first season is excellent as are S2 and S3.

It really fell apart when it moved to Amazon, season 4 was boring, season 5 was just garbage and season 6 was to little to late.


Secoup t1_jd3btpj wrote

it took me multiple tries to get through the first few episodes. Once you do its well worth it. It was probably my favorite show while it was running. It peaks at season 3 but I still liked it throughout (not positive they stuck the landing in the final season but it wasnt a total botch job either)


jmcgit t1_jd3dlfm wrote

I'll concur with the people saying that seasons 2-3 was probably the peak? Season 1, especially early on, was just a bit rough. Season 4 was a story that didn't translate well to TV, IMO.

Season 5 was cool, but if I had a complaint about it it was that maybe it needed to differ a bit more from the book, a big part of this book was that it was the first time you ever learned anything about the Roci crew's backstory besides Holden. The TV version was probably right to reveal some of that earlier, but they probably needed to change up season 5 a bit more to compensate for it because some of the stories ended up feeling like a bit of a drag.


PitbullMandelaEffect t1_jd3dt8u wrote

To be honest, I really only liked the first season. I thought it was an interesting take on near-future sci-fi, you don’t see a lot of media that takes place in that particular niche, where humans have grown beyond earth but are still limited to what is essentially our galactic backyard.

Then they go all-in on the proto-molecule stuff, which destroys what made the show unique and as a result it becomes incredibly boring and generic.


[deleted] t1_jd3e035 wrote

That whole Naomi family drama part wasn't that entertaining in books either. Sadly for the show, it picked up again after it and that is something we might never see in tv show form.


meowskywalker t1_jd3ei03 wrote

If you don’t like the politics I don’t think you’re going to like the show. That is the show. Human politics. There’s some alien goo about but the alien goo is largely just there to exaggerate the effects of the human politics.


Delicious-Tachyons t1_jd3jky8 wrote

it takes seeeveral episodes to start to click for some people - the overall plot hasn't heated up quite yet and you're wondering why you should care about these people


u2sunnyday t1_jd3lcb7 wrote


I hated the first season. The detective neo-noir story didn't click for me. But if you make it through S 1 and allow the 'world' to open up a bit the series is really good.

People not feeling S 1, but loving the series overall is a thing on the show's sub. It's not just you.


mickeyflinn t1_jd3qg0a wrote

If that was the season where we finally got to see Amos go back to Baltimore I guess it was mine too. That isn't saying much as I hated all the Amazon season. Amos's return to Baltimore was such an anticipated event and it was just such a nothing burger bullshit series of events.


kazh t1_jd3rz5g wrote

Season one was my favorite and what I felt was closest to the sort of real life people and co workers mixed up in big events in a future but grounded setting tone of the first six or so books. Somewhere in season two the tone starts shifting to standard TV sci-fi and they start including stuff like more sound in space instead of reverberated sound from ship hulls that they used more in season one. Plus, some characters personalities get little larger than life but it doesn't get too bad.

I still like the rest of the series. There are great moments and sequences throughout and really good performances from the main cast along with the ancillary characters.


UdonMudon t1_jd45mr8 wrote

It's alright

Not many space operas nowadays


LeoIrish t1_jd61fgj wrote

I understand why you found the first few episodes difficult: I did to. I listened to others and stuck it out and really glad I did. S1 is very important as it pretty much sets the rest of the series. If you like a big scifi series, get past S1 and it really pays off.


Fanfootie t1_jdaeaba wrote

Cool Space Battles. Real well developed characters. Great world building. Cara Freaking Ge.


HarryPouri t1_jdcw7gq wrote

It didn't really click for me until Season 2. But now it's one of my favourite shows ever.