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PMMeRyukoMatoiSMILES t1_jead4xs wrote

No, it's that same dumb HBO style dialogue of meaningless cursing more meant for pop culture memes than how real people actually talk that displays no introspection, offhandedly or otherwise, and is laughably cliched whenever it actually does try to be serious. Compare it to the dialogue of Woody Allen or Cassavettes. There's nothing even at the depth of a Steve McQueen in Hunger/12 Years A Slave, and he's a director known for silence, not dialogue.

Look at the lines you quote. One is a barely-witty comment and the other a half-funny pun. The 'great lines' people quote are just funny jokes at best, not the layered characterization/thematically meaningful of "God is a luxury I can't afford." or "Your problem is you always think you're gonna be the one to make them different". Even "Karl Marx was wrong when he said religion was the opium of the people; money is."

I legitimately don't think HBO has ever made a show with great writing. Maybe The Wire?


LGBT2QPLUS t1_jeafv3a wrote

> Even "Karl Marx was wrong when he said religion was the opium of the people; money is."

You are using quotation marks wrong. Also the world runs on money, it doesn't run on opium. So that doesn't make sense.

Or were you quoting Logan Roy or something? I could see him saying something like that.