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KiritoJones t1_jea6yoc wrote

The dip in quality is because they accomplished a goal at the end of last season but then reset the status quo at the start of this one. They should have stuck to their guns, at least for a while.


roshowclassic t1_jea7v92 wrote

You really thought the “goal” was a primary thing the first two seasons and not secondary to the weekly adventures? It was totally unnecessary. The show suffers no dip in quality from not having a secondary ongoing plot.


KiritoJones t1_jeabshw wrote

Discovery Grogu happens in the first episode and is literally the driving force behind every adventure he goes on in the first two seasons. The problem isn't that they don't have that anymore, it's that they completed it and then walked it back. They just completely threw away the entire point of those seasons.

They also do have a secondary ongoing plot, it's all the Mandalorian (the planet and people, not Din) stuff, which is the secondary plot for how many arcs of television at this point? It's old hat, and the show would be better if it was Mando getting into new situations every week instead of him messing with Dark Saber stuff and trying to rule people who have been nothing but shit everytime they show up in these shows.