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JohnCavil01 t1_jebsuir wrote

Is it?

I think the onus is on you here to explain how that take is garbage and over-simplified.


ZsaFreigh t1_jecetpm wrote

It's a 136 minute long movie that you summarized in like 3 sentences. Of course it's oversimplified.


JohnCavil01 t1_jeeju6i wrote

George Lucas himself said “it’s like poetry, it rhymes” - criticizing The Phantom Menace for being a rehash of many of the same plot elements as A New Hope is not off-base. After all people complained about that endlessly when it happened again in The Force Awakens.

I know it’s fashionable to argue that the Star Wars prequels are somehow good actually but that doesn’t change the fact that it retreads a lot of repeated ground. Evidently George Lucas wants us to believe that was artistic and intentional but if even he can admit it I don’t really think this oversimplification critique holds much water.

And that’s to say nothing of the fact that I wasn’t the one who said it but instead was responding to the shitty reply which simply called it an “oversimplified garbage take” as if that goes without saying.


NotmejusaBEe t1_jec1txo wrote

I mean lion king is a rip off of Hamlet. And you can't rip off yourself. The prequel had to meet a point so some of the tones have to be similar but to say that compared to the Disney stuff minus the under cover boss spoof has been really broad and boring. Lucas was making choices and Disney is having focus groups.